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白板答题 抢答题 必答题 1. My sister always talks too much. She never stops _____(talk) 自学指导(1) 内容:P47 1a 1b 1c 任务:1.朗读并记忆1a中的单词短语(两,1’) 2.看图,匹配(个,1’) 3.认读1a图中的句子并模仿编对话(小组,3’) 4. 听听力选出你所听到的特色菜种类(个,1’) 时间:5分钟 检测方式:提问 自学指导(2) 内容:P48 2a 2b 2c 任务:1.听听力选出你所听到的食物(个,1’) 2.再听听力写出所听到的单词(个,2’) 3.朗读2b句子弄清汉译,创作短语描述图片 4. 根据表格对话(小组,5’) 时间:10分钟 检测方式:提问 当堂检测 1.一些面条 2.西红柿牛肉面 3.特色菜一 4.想要…(2) 5.一中碗 6.一小碗羊肉面 7.我想要一些面条 8.哪种面你想要? 9.我想要鸡肉卷心菜面 10.哪种尺寸碗的面你想要? 11.我想要一大碗鸡蛋面. 2.My mother is h_____, but she wants to be thin. 3. Sorry, I can’t r________ your name. 4. Mary is new here. N______ knows her. 5. I am tall _____ glasses. 6. Marry is tall and ______ long hair. 7. He n______ stops talking. 必答题 talking eavy emember obody with has ever 8. It’s sunnytoday. Let’s go _____ (shop) shopping 抢答题 1. 王林是篮球队队长 2. Marry有个新形象,她带眼镜了 3.你的姐姐长得怎么样? 4.这个人是中等身高 5. 我认为他没那么好,但我妈妈那么认为 Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team. Marry has a new look, and she wears glasses. What does your sister look like? This person is (of) medium height. I don’t think he is so great, but my mom does. Unit 8 I’d like some noodles. 桦甸五中:魏金凤 noodles ____ beef ____ mutton ____ chicken ____ cabbage ____ potatoes ____ tomatoes ____ Match the words with the foods. 1a c a g d f e b What would you like? I ‘d like some … A:I’d like some noodles. B: What kind of noodles would you like? A: I’d like beef and tomato noodles. Special 1 A: I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles. Special 2 A:I’d like some noodles. B: What kind of noodles would you like? A: I’d like mutton and potato noodles. Special 3 A:I’d like some noodles. B: What kind of noodles would you like? What would you/he/she like? I/he/she ‘d like some … Listen. Check (√) the noodles that the person orders. Special 1 Special 2 Special 3 √ 2a Listen and check the names of the foods


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