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河 北 建 筑 工 程 学 院 本科毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系别: 电气工程系 专业: 建筑电气与智能化 班级: 电智072 姓名: 学号: 外文出处: 《Electricity》 附 件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。 指导教师评语: 该外文翻译语言流畅通顺,较准确完整地翻译了原文,所翻译文章与毕业设计的课题基本相关,基本达到了本科毕业外文翻译的要求 签字: 2011年05月28日 weak electricity engineering System function The in common use building weak electricity system mainly has a few kinds as follows: (1)The telephone corresponds by letter system Carry out telephone(include three types of facsimile machines, can see a telephone...etc.) correspondence function The star type To rushes toward structure; Use 3 types(or above) don't shield a double to wring line, deliver the frequency of signal within the scope of audio frequency. (2)Area net system in calculator bureau Is a realization to transact to automate and various data delivers of network foundation The star type to rushes toward structure Use 5 types(or above) don't shield a double to wring line, deliver number signal, the baud rate can reach to a 100 mbs the s is above. (3)Music| broadcast system The loudspeaker passed to install on the spot(is like places, such as market, restaurant, guest room and hallway...etc.) broadcasts music, and can pass to transmit sound machine to carry on a broadcasting to the spot Many road total line structure Deliver is certainly pressed a 120 Vs by the power enlarger output's| the audio frequency signal of 120 Ωs with drive the spot loudspeaker phonation, deliver the line use copper Xin to insulate to lead line. (4)The cabled T.V. signal assigns system Evenly assign the cabled T.V. signal to each customer inside the building to order ;Adopt branch and assign a machine to carry on a signal allotment, for letting up signal to lose to really reduce and make each customer order the request that the signal quality attains norm rules with , its cloth line is tree type structure, and order to dist


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