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5. declare vt. 宣布,宣称;声明 declare for/against. . . 声明支持/反对…… declare to sb. /sth. that-clause 向……宣布某事 declare sb. /sth. to be +adj. /n. 宣布……为……;断 言…… ①Brett declared to us that he had done the work himself. 布莱特向我们声明那工作是他自己做的。 ②The workers declared for the offer of a pay increase. 工人们拥护提高工资的提议。 declare announce 【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空 “宣布;宣告”, 指就某事正式、公开地做出明确的说明;其后可接名词、从句、复合结构及介词against / for短语。 “宣布;发表;通知”,指首次宣布人们所关心的事,通常是关于生死、结婚、灾害信息或客人的到来等;其后常接名词、从句作宾语。 ③President Obama is preparing to ___________his new plan on Tuesday. ④The country had no other choice but to ________war on their enemy. announce declare 【熟词生义】根据语境选择最佳汉语意思 I have a laptop computer. Do I have to declare it at the customs? A. 宣布 B. 声明 C. 申报(纳税物) 答案:C 6. aware adj. 意识到的,知道的;察觉到的 ①She was well aware of the fact, but she could not face it yet. 她充分意识到那一事实, 可是她不能正视它。 ②He is quite aware that pronunciation is very important to a language student. 他完全意识到对一位学语言的学生来说发音的重要性。 【归纳】 _____________ 意识到…… _____________ ____ 意识到……(后接从句) be aware of (doing ) sth be aware that. . . 7. judge n. 法官,审判员;裁判员 v. 断定;裁决,评定;审判 (1)judging by/from 根据……来判断 (2)judge+n. /pron. +(to be/as)+n. /adj. 判断……是…… [通常用被动语态:be judged+(to be/as)+n. /adj. ] ③________ ___ the response of the audience, the performance was quite a success. 从观众的反应看来, 这次演出相当成功。 Judging by 8. Many people were buried alive, and so was the city. 很多人被活埋,城市也被埋没了。 1) bury v. 埋葬; 隐藏; 掩蔽; 埋头于 e.g. The house was half buried under snow. 房子一半埋在雪中。 He ______________ in his work. 他埋头工作。 Many men __________ underground when there was an accident at the mine.矿上发生意外时, 许多矿工都被埋在地下。 buried himself were buried ______ in deep thought, he didn’t notice Mary coming in. _______ himself in sorrow, he refused to see anyone. _____ yourself in your study, and you will make progress. Buried Burying Bury 9. alive adj. living, not dead She was still when she was sent to the hospital. B. He was buried


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