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Test Commissioning No Load Test: Individual Equipment Palletizer No of pages / Equipment Item: Issue Date: 29th Oct. 2008 Rev: R00 Item N° MPT - Single Machine Electrical Protection Interlock Test; MPT - 单机设备保护联锁测试 Lubrication And checking before starting 润滑和启动前检查 Lubrication 润滑 All elements or components are added right lubrication oil before starting. And the right label should be near the lubrication point. 在启动前,所有的部件已经正确添加了润滑油。并且已润滑标签应当贴在润滑点附近。 □ Security 安全检查 No debris inside of packer. 检查内部无杂物。 All safety device installed like coupling guard 所有安全防护装置安装到位。 □ □ Mechanical check and adjustment 机械检查和调整 Manually run the machine before normal running to make sure it run smoothly and no friction and touch. 运转前先手动盘车,要求会专体转动灵活,不允许有摩擦、卡碰等现象。 Inspecting the bolt tighten of driving wheel, reducer; 检查驱动电机减速机的固定螺栓是否紧固。 Check and tighten all the bolts. 检查并拧紧各联接螺栓; Check the compressed air piping, check the pressure of compressed air system and no leakage on the piping 检查压缩空气管线,检查管路压力及无漏气 □ □ □ Key Point for Individual Test 单机试车期间检查内容 The duration of individual test should be 单机试车运转时间为: 2hours Following items should be checked during the individual test: 单机试车期间,下列项目应当检查: The equipment rotates smoothly without any abnormal vibration or sound. 设备转动平稳,无异常振动和杂音; Be sure that all joint and seal places are secured without air and oil leakage. 各联接部位和密封部位,密封良好,不得有漏风、漏油现象。 □ □ 单机试车记录 Register of Individual Test Running Current 运行电流 A Ambient temperature: 环境温度: 0C Unit Results 记录结果 0.5h 1h Motor bearing temperature 电机轴承温度 0C L Reducer shell temperature 减速机外壳温度 0C Rotor bearing temperature 转子轴承温度 0C Checking items and standard 检查内容和质量标准 Result 检查结果 Lubrication 润滑 No leakage 有无漏油现象 Yes No □ □ noise 杂音 No surprised noise 有无杂音和异常声音 Yes No □ □ Comments and Updating Punch Lists Solved Yes/No Date Signature


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