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Look at the sun. 语法探究 sun—sunny; wind—windy; rain—rainy; snow—snowy; cloud—cloudy Practise Today we will have a interview. There is one reporter .He/She will interview you and ask:“ what do you do on sunny/rainy/ cloudy/ windy/ snowy days?” Please write down the activity of the person. * Unit 4 It’s raining! Make a conversation to talk about what you are doing in pairs. What are you doing now? 我创新,我展示 Review Great Pretty good Terrible Not bad Match the words with the faces in the box. — It’s great. How’s it going? 是询问处境或事情现在的状况如何。great在口语中意为“妙;好”。如: —How’s everything? 一切都好吧? —Great! 很好! —How is your study? 你的学习情况如何? —Terrible! 糟透了。 —How’s the life? 日子过得如何? —Not bad! 不错! — How is it going? =How’s it going (with you)? =How’s everything going? how (怎样) How How old How about How much How many How is it going? How’s the weather? 拓展 windy How is the weather? cloudy What is the weather like ? sunny How is the weather? rainy What is the weather like ? snowy How is the weather? sunny They are running. It’s today How is the weather? What are they doing on sunny days? Look at the clouds. It’s ______today. cloudy He is swimming. How is the weather? What’s he doing? Look at the rain. It’s ______ today. rainy He is watching TV. How is the weather? What’s the boy doing? It is snowing. What are you doing on a snowy day? How is the weather? It’s snowy. I’m playing the computer games. It’s windy. Look at the wind. What’s he doing? He is cooking. It’s rainy cloudy sunny snowing How is the weather in Shanghai /Beijing /Boston /Moscow? Practice Rules: n. + y—adj. luck _______ noise _______ ice ______ fog _______ lucky noisy icy foggy How to change nouns into adjectives? Read these words and find rules. 1a.Match the words with the pictures. raining windy cloudy sunny snowing a e d b c 1C Pairwork: Ask and answer


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