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参考范文: ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________ In 1996, the scientists succeeded in cloning Dolly the sheep. In general, they were praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough. However, some scientists have adopted the technology with the intention of cloning human beings though it is illegal in the majority of countries. Human cloning has aroused a lot of anxiety. In brief, we can push ahead with the technology of cloning to meet our needs instead of destroying our life. 演练知能提升见“限时集训(十五)” 【教师用书独具】 while引导时间或让步状语从句时的省略现象也是高考中常见的命题点。 【变式训练】 (2013·湖南部分重点中学联考) While ________ the dog, you should take care not to ________. Otherwise, it may be dangerous to strangers. A.walking; let it loose B.walk; be loose C.walking for; get it loose D.training; get it run 解析:walk the dog“遛狗”;let loose“松开”。当when, while等引导的时间状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致且谓语含有系动词be时,可以省略从句的主语和谓语中的be动词。 答案:A  * * * * [关键一点] the majority作主语,谓语动词用单复数形式皆可;the majority of+复数名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。 轻松识记 [层级训练] Ⅰ.[基础题] 完成句子 ①赞成该提议者占多数。 Those who favor the proposal are . ②大多数的人赞同该政策。 approved the policy. in a/the majority The/A great majority Ⅱ.[能力题] 根据英汉提示完成小片段 ③在那个城市只有少数人没有汽车,但是乘坐地铁上班的人却占了大多数。 Only a people in that city have a car while the people taking subway to work are . minority of do not in the/a majority Ⅲ.[三年高考单选题] ④(2011·湖南高考)One-third of the country ________ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens ________black people. A.is; are          B.is; is C.are; are D.are; is 解析:考查主谓一致。句意:这个国家的三



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