(精选)商务英语阅读上册unit 5课件.ppt

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Language points come into being ------be born or come into existence 出现(存在,产生,形成,成立) e.g. 1. A new rule will soon come into being. 一个新规则很快就要出台了。 2. A car comes into being through a series of complex operations. 汽车经过一连串的复杂作业程序而制成。 UP PREV. NEXT Language points economic efficiency 经济效率 ,也即资源配置效率,是指在经济资源稀缺的条件下,如何充分利用资源,使资源得到最有效合理的安排,以最少的资源投入取得最大的经济效益,因此也可一般地称为资源的利用效率。 UP PREV. NEXT I. Answer the following questions based on the text. 1. What is a tariff? And what can it do? A tariff is a tax or duty levied on commodities when they cross national boundaries, normally an import duty, for the purpose of raising their selling price in the importing nation’s market to reduce competition against domestic producers. It is the most common method of restricting trade. Reference I. Answer the following questions based on the text. 2. What are the ways that a tariff can be calculated? Give brief explanation to each of them. Ad valorem, specific, alternative, or compound. An ad valorem, is figured as a percentage on the value of goods. They may be based, depending on the country, either on the value of the goods landed at the port of destination, or at the port in the country of origin. A specific duty relates to local currency per unit of goods based on weight, number, length, volume, or other unit of measurement. An alternative duty is where either an ad valorem duty or a specific one can be prescribed for a product, with the requirement that the more exertive one shall apply. A compound duty is a combination of an ad valorem duty and a specific one. Reference I. Answer the following questions based on the text. 3. What are the differences between tariff barriers and NTBs ? Contrary to tariff duties which are relatively transparent, non-tariff barriers are often more complex and difficult to sniff and therefore assess than tariffs. Furthermore, NTBs can have more trade-restr


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