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Acad,回ryofMar啕阳市时胁帽w 1979,VoI. 4, 他). 2 ,249-257.
A Critique of the Vroom-Yetton
Contingency Model ~
Of Leadership Behavior1
Unive陌ity of Toronto
Thl~ Vroom-Yetton contingency model of1I坦dersh加behaViωr is described
am:J critiqued. While there is some evidence for the validity of the mode/,
ths use of concurrent validation with self-report data serious/y questions
thi:~ validity. The model is of limited utility because it deals with on伊 one
aspect of leader behavior and is not as parsimonious as alternative mod-
The Vroom-Yetton ∞ntingency model of leader- pends on subjective aspects 01 the decision (the
ship behavior (21) is 01 im阴阳n饵 to managers leelings 01 people) (9).
because it was developed as a m创el 01 how lead- Decision processes that may be used range Irom
ers should make dec: isions il they are to be e何ec autocratic (AI , AII) , to consultive (CI , CII) , to group
tive. Ifvalid ,the modE!1 ∞uld be used as a tool to aid process (GII). Subordinate participation in the de-
in the selection of appropriate decision-making cision-making process increases in the order of AI ,
processes for differE!nt situations , resulting in in- AII , CI , CII , GI I. When using process AI the mana-
creased decision ancl organizational effectiveness. ger solves the problem alone, using inlormation
The full Vroom-Yetton contingency model deals available at that time , while with