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高一英语预习提纲及学案 Book1 Unit5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 第二课时 整体理解课文 [预习探究] 1. Choose the best answer according to the text. (1)Elias had to leave school when he was quite young, because . A.He couldn’t catch up with other students in his study B.His home was too far away from school C.His family was too poor to pay the money needed for his study D.He wanted to work with Mr. Mandela eagerly (2)People without a passbook may . A.not be allowed to live in Johannesburg B.be out of work C.be those who were not born there D.A、Band C (3)Was Elias happy to help blow up the buildings? A.No, because he disliked violence. B.Yes, because he wanted to thank Mr. Mandela for his help. C.No, because he thought he may be caught and put in prison. D.Yes, because making black and white people equal was their dream. (4)From Mr. Mandela’s saying, we can get such a conclusion as . A.Mr. Mandela wanted to break the law in a violent way in the beginning. B.Black People had been given more rights. C.Black People should rise up to fight for their own rights after years of being ruled D.They could force the government to give up easily (5)Which is wrong according to the text? A.Mandela often offered poor black people guidance on their legal problems. B.With the help of Mandela, Elias could stay in Johannesburg. C.Elias was not willing to join the ANC Youth League organized by Mandela. D.Nelson Mandela never loses hope to fight to make the black and the white equal even when he is in trouble. 2.Translation 献身于 信任 积极从事 求助于,致力于 在困境中 反抗 用一种和平方式 担心 失业 违法 以暴还暴 事实上 使充气,爆炸 把某人投入监狱 [三维目标] Teaching aims: Understand the main idea of the next. [教学重难点] Important points: Retell the text. [课时安排] 1 period [学习过程]Learning procedures: Step 1 Warming-up What is a great person?(Textbook P33) Step2 Pre-reading Please tell us something about Nelson Mandela.(Textbook P33) Step3 Read


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