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道德品行方面表现 “to enhance the capability of independent innovation and building innovative country” the backbone of. Therefore, how to effectively promote the academic progress and scientific and technological innovation of the graduate students, and to cultivate the students to observe the academic ethics, abide by the academic norms, has been the goal and direction of the University Graduate Management Department. However, in our country in the period of social transformation and rapid economic development and eager for quick success and impetuous bad atmosphere in society seriously affects the academic atmosphere in Colleges and universities and graduate academic behavior. In 2002, Ministry of Education issued “on the strengthening of the academic moral construction of a number of opinions”, requirements of all provinces, autonomous region education administrative departments and colleges attach great importance to the research of the academic moral construction, and to develop effective measures to create a good academic   atmosphere, which is from the national policy level was first proposed to strengthen the construction of academic moral. So far, 13 years have passed, and there are still some problems in the academic morality of the graduate students in the University.   First, the main behavior of the students in violation of academic ethics   Present, postgraduate in research behavior of violation of academic ethics mainly has following several performance: (1) occupation, plagiarism and academic achievements of others; (2) forgery, tampering of data; (3) please others to write papers or on behalf of others to write papers; (4) multiple submissions; (5) cited the results of others and do not indicate the source.   Two, the cause of the students academic moral misconduct   There are several aspects of the main reasons for the emergence of academic morality:   (a) some of the graduate students academic moral level is not high. Graduate student academic level and


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