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快验保健康检查及疫苗注射 「中银理财」客户专享优惠 即日起至2017 年12 月31 日 Facilities 设施齐备  首间专门提供健康检查中心 。与其他医务所的分别之处 ,是没有 轮侯诊症的病人,客人不需与病患共享设备,避免交叉感染  健康检查中心位于旺角、铜锣湾及中环,共占地逾20,000平方尺,提 供宽敞舒适的验身环境  环境舒适宁静,设有专用等候大堂及接待处  多位女医生专为女性客户提供体检服务  3间体检中心共设有13间贵宾厅 ,共22 间体检室及妇科检查室,缩短等 候检查的时间,令检查的过程更为快捷  提供一站式体检服务,于同一时间同一地点为客户完成各项服务  拥有多名专业及经验丰富的医护人员,包括医生、心脏专科医生、放 射师、营养师及注册护士等  数字化影像诊断中心具备各种先进的仪器,提供全面的体检服务  大堂设有等离子电视机及专业的视听器材,可举办大型健康讲座  The first check-up centre specializes in providing check-up services. All equipment are used exclusively for check-up clients that can eliminate the risk of cross infection in comparison with another out -patient clinics  Check-up centres locate at Mong Kok, Causeway Bay and Central with more than a total of 20,000 sq. ft. floor space, with spacious and comfortable environment for medical check-ups  Spacious and comfortable waiting areas are available  Female doctors are available to serve female clients for check-ups  Equipped with a total of 13 VIP Lounges, 22 general check-up and gynecological examination rooms at 3 check-up centres, all clients are served in a professional and efficient manner  One-stop check-up service that all check-up items can be done at one centre at the same time  A team of qualified and experienced medical professionals including doctors, cardiologist, radiographers, nutritionist and registered nurses  Digital Imaging Diagnostic Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment to offer comprehensive check-up services  The lobby is equipped with Plasma TV and advanced AV equipment, available for organizing large-scale health seminars 疫苗注射服务 Vaccination Services 产品名称 原价


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