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DOI :10.13199/j.cst.2010.12.9.lujzh.023 38 12 Vol1 38 No1 12 2010 12 Coal Science and Technology Dec. 2010 卢 鉴 章 (, 100013) : 介绍了压风自救系统的安装布置情况, 重点阐述了掘进工作面综采工作面及 档普采工作 面的压风自救系统的安装布置要求及注意事项, 以及空气压缩机设备的数量压缩空气管道干管管 径的确定等技术要点和使用要求, 并介绍了与煤矿井下压风自救系统相关的规程标准及应用案例 情况 : 自救系统; 系统布置; 空气压缩机; 管道管径 : TD434 : A : 0253 2336 ( 2010) 12 0004 03 Com pressed A ir Se lf R escue Sy stem in Underground M ine LU Jian zhang (Ch ina Coa lR esearch Institute, B eij ing 100013, C hina) Ab strac t: The paper introduced the installation and layou t of the compressed air self rescue system. The paper in detail stated the instal lation and layout requirem ents and notes of the compressed air self rescue system in the m ine roadway heading face, the fully mechanized coalm ining face and h igh ranking conventional coalm ining face. The paper introduced the determ ination on the num ber of the air com pressor equ ipm ent and the m ain pipe diam eter of the com pressed air pipeline asw ell as the techn ical key points and the application re qu irem ents. The paper introduced the regu lations, standards and application cases related to the underground m ine com pressed air rescue system. K ey w ord s: self rescue system; system layou;t air comp ressor; pipeline diameter 5 , 6 ( ( 2010) 23 , 5 , 6) 3 1 , , () , , , 56 5



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