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翻译专业资格考试(三级口译综合能力)备考试题及答案(五) Part I 题目要求: Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement by blackening the corresponding letter on the Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. There are10 questions in this part of the test, 1 point for each question. You will hear each statement only once. 1. Whats true about most Americans? A. They are likely to become rich if they want. B. They arent rich because they havent been chosen to be so. C. There is little chance for them to be rich even if they want to. D. They become rich by luck. 答案:A 解析:录音中的内容是“事实表明,对于大多数的美国人来说,变得富有主要是选择的问题”,由此可见如果美国人想要变得富有,他们就有可能变得富有,所以答案是A。 【录音原文】 The fact suggests that becoming rich, for most Americans, is largely a matter of choice. 2. What happens to many people during Christmas? A. They keep shopping till theyre extremely tired. B. They keep shopping till they cant carry all the bags. C. They keep shopping because prices have dropped greatly. D. They keep buying what theyll throw away. 答案:A 解析:录音的内容是:对许多人来说,圣诞节只是一年中“血拼”的时刻。本题的关键是理解“shop till you drop”的意思,意为“血拼拼到你挂掉”,也即是购物一直到你精疲力竭为止,所以选A。 【录音原文】 For many people Christmas is simply the time of year you shop till you drop. 3. What is true about John after watching An Inconvenient Truth? A. He discarded the idea of becoming a scientist. B. He was fired because of his ambition to become a scientist. C. He was inspired to be a scientist. D. He was angry with the environment scientists. 答案:C 解析:录音中提到“看完An Inconvenient Truth后,John燃起了想成为一名环境科学家的雄心”,be fired with是本题的解题关键,意为“被激起;被唤起”,所以C项正确。 【录音原文】 After watching An Inconvenient Truth, John was fired with the ambition to become an environment scientist. 4. Which country is now the second largest economy? A.China. B.Germany. C.Japan. D.TheU.S. 答案:C 解析:录音的内容是“中国的经济实力超越了德国,位于美国之后,现在正在和日本争夺第二的位置”,由此可见现在第二大经济体的还是日本,故选C。 【录音原文】 A larger economy than Germany, China now is m a race with Japan for the second place - just behind the United States. 5. Wh


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