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船舶安全检查制度 Ship Safety Inspection System 船舶安全检查的目的是促使船舶保持良好的技术状况,符合船舶检验证书所载的各项要 求,满足船舶的适航条件,促进各项安全规章和操作规程的切实执行,保障船舶安全营运。 The purpose of Ship Security Examination is to promote ship to maintain good technical status, accord with vessel inspection certificate contained the requirements of the ship seaworthy, satisfy the conditions, to promote all safety rules and operating rules for the practical implementation, safeguard shipping safety operation. 船舶安全检查分为:港口国检查、主管机关实施的船舶安全检查、公司各职能部门组织的定期安全检查以及船舶按期进行的自查。 The Ship Security Examination are divided: port state inspection, the implementation of ship security inspection done by competent authority, the regular safety inspection done by company each department organizations and Marine undergo the self-examination. 主管机关实施的船舶安全检查由公司安监部负责联络,结束后船长将主管机关的船舶“安全检查通知书”及时反馈公司安监部,岸基各职能部门指导船方对本部门业务相关的缺陷实施整改,并在规定的时间内完成。 The competent authority of the ship security examination implementation by the company control safety department is responsible to contact, after such examination the captain will safety inspection notice timely feedback to company control safety department, each shore-based department should guide relevant vessel to rectify and reform, and implemented corrective completed within the prescribed time. 公司对船舶的定期安全检查 Companies in the vessel’s regular safety inspection 检查部门:安监部、SMS办公室、机务部、船员部。 Inspection Dep.: Safety Supervision Dep.; SMS Office; Technical Dep.; Crew Dep. 检查周期为每6个月一次。如船舶不回国内港口,安监部可委托船长进行检查,并把检查结果反馈给安监部。 Inspection cycle is once every 6 months time. If vessel didnt return domestic ports, Safety Supervision Dep. may entrust the captain for inspection, and the results feedback to the Safety Supervision Dep. 各个部门按职能分工负责各自管理内容的检查,内容参照(SMI-0102-1)船舶安全检查/自查记录/报告表的标识进行,但也不限于现有的标识内容。 Each department is responsible for respective according to function division management content of check, content reference (SMI–0102-1) ship safety inspection/self-inspection record/report form., but which is azonic


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