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* * Part Four: Comprehensive Reading 1.field kitchen truck 2.deploys armored vehicles 3.unarmed combat 4.measures to combat Unemployment 5.Monday fortnight Text B Translation 野外厨房车 部署装甲车辆 徒手格斗 对付失业的措施 两周后的周一 Part Four: Comprehensive Reading 6.松了一口气 7.梦想破灭了 8.诉诸武力 9.组织支持者向他们拉选票 10.一阵寒潮 Text B Translation Heave a sigh of relief Dreams have been shattered. Resort to force Mobilizing their supporters to vote at the election. A spell of cold Part Four: Comprehensive Reading Shooting power lines with submachine guns to shatter the ice and resorting to tanks to crush ice on the road. Text B Questions 2. The snow was the heaviest in decades in may places, falling in China’s eastern, central and southern regions for more than a fortnight. It has caused deaths, structural collapse, black-outs, accidents, transport problems and livestock and crop destruction. 3. Open * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Critical Reading Part One: Reading for Different Goals 4. Near the bottom of the left column you can subscribe to CNN email lists. Would you do this? What would be the benefits? What would be reasons not to subscribe? Your answer will depend on your tolerance for Internet mail. We find that we get too much unwanted email as it is, and we would not subscribe. Critical Reading Part One: Reading for Different Goals 5. Look again at “Airline Travelers to Go Online While en Route” to answer the following questions. a. T / F / N If you want to surf the Internet while in flight, you must provide your own computer. b. T / F / N At the time this story was written, air travelers were generally not able to use Internet during flights. √ √ Critical Reading Part One: Reading for Different Goals Has the situation changed since then? What about the airlines you have used? Are computers available for surfing the Net? Have you used them? Critical Reading Part One: Reading for Different Goals c. T / F /


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