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Unit12 Don’t eat in class. SectionA 第一课时 课前预习作业 预习内容:sectionA 1a-1c 预习重点: 1. 预习下列单词: rule, hallway, classroom, fight,Ms 2. 看图,将规章制度的编号写在图中相对应的违规学生旁边 预习练习 一.?? 翻译下列句子 1.?????? 上课不要迟到 2.?????? 不要再走廊里奔跑 3.?????? 不要再教室吃东西 4.?????? 不要在教室或走廊里听音乐 5.?????? 不要打架 通过预习,你最不懂的地方时什么,请写出。 ? ? ? 第一课时 课后巩固练习 一.根据句意及首字母填空 1.?????? We c listen to music in the classroom, but we can listen to it outside. 2.?????? –What are the r --We can’t be late for school. 3.?????? You don’t play the piano well. You should p it every day. 4.?????? We often go out for a picnic if it doesn’t rain on w 5.?????? Jim often f with others. He is very unfriendly. 二.选择恰当的词完成句子 1. Sometimes I arrive late (to/for) school. 2. Don’t (listen/listen to) music (at/in) hallways. 3. Look! He is (fight/fighting) with Tom. 4. (On/ In) a clod morning, Miss Brown saw the doctor. Unit12 Don’t eat in class. 第一课时 课堂导学 【学习目标】sectionA 1a-1c 【学习重点】1.词汇:rule, hallway, classroom, fight, Ms 2.句型::Don’t arrive late for class. Don’t run in the hallway. Don’t eat in the classrooms. Don’t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways. Don’t fight. 【学习过程】 一.值日报告 二.旧知回顾 Task1.小组展示预习作业 三.新知呈现 Task1.新课导入 T: What’s your favorite subject? Do you like music?   Now I’d like to enjoy a song with you. (pl


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