Iceberg Principle冰山原则知识研讨.pptx

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Iceberg Principle海明威的“冰山原则”创作理论 Outline1 Origin and Definition2 Background 3 Methods and Representative examples4 Development and InfluenceOrigin and Definition1 If a writer of prose knows enough of what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A writer who omits things because he dose not know them only makes hollow places in his writing. --Ernest Hemingway in the Death in the Afternoon OriginThe theory of omission 所谓“冰山原则”,就是用简洁的文字塑造出鲜明的形象,把自身的感受和思想情绪最大限度的埋藏在形象之中,使之情感充沛却含而不露、思想深沉而隐而不晦,从而将文学的可感性与可思性巧妙的结合起来,让读者对鲜明形象的感受去发掘作品的思想意义。Definition 简洁的文字、鲜明的形象、丰富的情感和深刻的思想是构成”冰山原则”的四个基本要素。具体地说,文字和形象是所谓的“八分之一”,而情感和思想是所谓的“八分之七”。前两者是具体可见的,后两者是寓于前两者之中的。文字塑造了形象,形象包含了情感,而情感之中蕴涵着思想。诚然,就一般文学作品而言,这四个要素都是必不可少的,但在海明威的作品中显得尤为突出,因为他强调了情感和思想的含蓄性。DefinitionBackground 2The need to completely change the florid style of literature in the 19th century Victorian era.Hemingway’s years’ life experiences and his way of thinking about lives. In Hemingway’s point of view, wars, succeeded by an unstable society, brought about unprecedented disasters to human beings. Wars contributed to Hemingway’s basic views on the human society and as well set a dull and gloomy tone for his early works. BackgroundMethods and Reprezentative Examples3He emphasizes the role of implication, which is, in fact, the basis of his works, in which he would leave out essential information of the story under the belief that omission can sometimes add strength to a narrative. Hemingways genre of writing was short, terse, masculine and journalistic. But it conveyed more direct emotion, sincerity, realism and naturalism than any other writer.简洁直白的文字塑造了形象,白描式的形象包含了丰富的情感,而情感之中蕴涵着深刻的思想。Key words:Symbolism--象征手法Heimingways camera ey


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