the analysis of tom’s fate in uncle tom’s cabin.doc

the analysis of tom’s fate in uncle tom’s cabin.doc

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the analysis of tom’s fate in uncle tom’s cabin

The analysis of Tom’s Fate in Uncle Tom’s Cabin 摘要 斯托夫人笔下的汤姆叔叔无私、纯洁、高尚,但却成为奴隶制度下的一个牺牲品.追究其原因,有奴隶制历史大背景的客观因素,但更为重要的是汤姆受基督教虔诚、逆来顺受、博爱等教义的影响。他对任何一个主人绝对忠心,逆来顺受的接受任何状况,即使对敌人也怀着仁爱之心。再者,汤姆性格中有着懦弱的部分,当别人在为同一悲惨状况抗争时,汤姆却选择忍受;汤姆也是一个过于有主见的人,不管付出什么代价他都坚持自己的原则。通过对汤姆命运的分析,可以让人们了解奴隶制的罪恶,唤起对自己命运的思考和把握。关键词:汤姆叔叔,奴隶制,基督教,性格 Uncle Tom , is a person who is selfless , pure and noble in the writing of Harriet Beecher Stowe , but he become a victim of slavery. The history of slavery is a objective factor. But more important reason is the influence of Christian which teaches people piety , resign oneself to adversity ,fraternity, etc. He is absolutely loyal to any one master, and meekly accept any situation. He even regards the enemies with the heart of love. Furthermore, Tom has a weak part of the character. While others struggled for the same miserable condition, Tom chose to endure; Tom is also a strong-minded person. No matter what great price he will pay for, he still insist his principles. Through the analysis of Toms fate, people can understand the sin of slavery, and appeal to the thinking and grasp of his own fate. KEY WORDS: Uncle Tom slavery Christian character Contents Introduction.-------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One Historical Conditions-------------------------------------------------- The condition of American history at that time-------------------------- Uncle Tom’s helpless situation during that period---------------------- Chapter Two The Influence of Christian religion to Uncle Tom----------- 2.1Uncle Tom’s Obedience------------------------------------------------ 2.1.1His obedience to Mr. Shelby--------------------------------- 2.1.2His obedience to Mr. Legree--------------------------------------- 2.2 Uncle Tom’s Christian Love for Humanity---------------------------------- 2.2.1 Uncle Tom’s Love for the Black-------------------------------------- 2.2.2 Uncle Tom’s Love for His Enemies---------------------------------


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