The Land Plants Adaptation for Terrestrial life为适应陆地生活的陆生植物.ppt

The Land Plants Adaptation for Terrestrial life为适应陆地生活的陆生植物.ppt

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The Land Plants Adaptation for Terrestrial life为适应陆地生活的陆生植物

The Land Plants: Adaptation for Terrestrial life Announcements There will be a quiz next lab period Assigment for this lab include page 113, 114, 115,116, 117, 118 This Lab Land plants Land plants Land plants Nontracheophytes Mosses Mosses Nontrcheophytes Trcheophytes Vascular system Ferns Ferns Ferns Conifers Angiosperms Angiosperms Angiosperms Angiosperms Angiosperms Angiosperms * Land plants Mosses Ferns Conifers Angiosperms Dissecting Cassia and Lily Ferns mosses Conifers angiosperms Green algea Terrestrial Embryo (young dormant sporophyte) Dominant sporophyte Vascular system with tracheids seeds Secondary growth Flowers Vascular plants Seed plants * Plants photosynthetic eukaryotes that uses chlorophylls, store carbohydrates, usually as starch, and develop from embryo protected by tissues of the parent plant (embryophytes). * Plant life cycle N organism 2N organism mitosis gametes zygote syngamy meiosis spores mitosis sporophyte gametophyte * 12 phyla exist nontracheophytes (nonvascular or bryophytes) 1-The persistent generation is the gametophyte (dominant) 2-Sporophytes are very short-lived, are attached to and nutritionally dependent on their gametophytes and consist of only an unbranched stalk, or seta, and a single, terminal sporangium 3-bryophytes never form xylem tissue, the special lignin-containing, water-conducting tissue that is found in the sporophytes of all vascular plants 1- Mosses *hydroids for water and leptoids for nutrient *dependance on water for sexual reproduction *Antheridia (sperm producing structures) and Archegonia (egg producing structures)at the apex of gametophyte *calyptra is the enlaged archegonium containing the zygot *sporophyte is composed of foot, stalk (seta) and sporangium (spores containing capsule) *germinating spore grow into young gametophyte (protonema) 2- Hornworts 3- liverworts 1- vascular system with tracheids 2- sporophyte phase


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