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XXX镇污水处理改良型卡罗塞尔氧化沟工艺工程初步设计 摘 要 XXX城镇的发展目标是建设成以生态田园为特色、以商贸发展为重点、以工业发展为支撑,城乡一体、经济繁荣、社会和谐、环境生态的综合型现代化新城。因此为了保护XXX镇生态环境,创造良好的人居条件,实现XXX镇的可持续发展,兴建污水处理工程是十分必要的。 在污水收集系统设计中,充分利用地形优势实现重力自流,并且利用地面坡度减少管道埋深。污水收集系统共兴建管道26487m,中途提升泵站2座,倒虹吸管2组,总计造价为8069.87万元。 本次设计中,污水处理厂污水主要由居民生活污水和城市工业废水组成。其设计规模为3.5万,最高日流量5万,设计进水水质为:,,,,。设计出水水质达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级A标准。污水厂的工程总造价为5432.76万元。 污水处理厂中,污水处理构筑物主要有旋流沉砂池、改良型卡罗塞尔氧化沟、辐流式二沉池、活性砂滤池、紫外消毒渠,污泥处理构筑物主要有污泥泵房、贮泥池、脱水机房。改良型卡罗塞尔氧化沟充分利用的生物反硝化的工艺资源,而且还有利于抑制丝状菌等不利菌群的生长,加强了生物系统的稳定性和适用性,可以达到90%以上的总氮去除效果。 关键词:污水收集系统 污水处理厂 改良型卡罗塞尔氧化沟 Abstract The town development goals into a comprehensive modern ecological pastoral focus of trade and commerce, as the support of industrial development, urban-rural integration, economic prosperity, social harmoxxx, environmental and ecological new city。So in order to protect the XXX town ecological environment, and create favorable living conditions, to the XXX town sustainable development, it is very necessary to build a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The design of the sewerage system take good advantage of the terrain to achieve gravity flow, and ground slope to reduce the pipeline depth. Sewage collection of pipeline system for 26487 m, 2 groups of midway pumping station, and 2 groups of inverted siphon, the total cost is 80.6987 million yuan. The sewage of this project is mainly composed of urban-industrial waste water and residents sewage. Its design size is 35000, highest daily flow is 50000. The design of feed water quality as follows: ,,,,.The effluent is to meet the A standard of “urban sewage treatment plant emission standards” (GB18918-2002).The total project cost of the wastewater treatment plant of 54.3276 million yuan. In the sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment structures are mainly vortex-type grit chamber, modified Carrousel oxidation ditch process , secondary sedimentation tank of radial flow, active sand ponds, uv disinfection canal, the sludge treatment structures are sewag


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