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Section III.Disturbance of Potassium Balance Potassium Balance (1) Content and distribution (2) Function of potassium (3) Regulation of K+ balance Hypokalemia Hyperkalemia 1. Potassium Balance (1) Content and distribution ? The adult body contains about 45 mmol/Kg of BW. About 98% of potassium is within the cells, [K +] i= 140~160 mmol/L. About 2% of K + is in the ECF, [K +]e = 3.5~5.5 mmol/L. 3/4 of the intracellular K+ is in muscle cells. There are two forms of existence: (1) free state of potassium, K+, (2) the K combining to protein and glycogen. Both are exchangeable. (Na+) (2) Function of potassium 1) Metabolism 2) Membrane potential 3) Regulation of pH 4) Osmotic pressure of ICF 1) Metabolism (a) K+ is required for the activity of some intracellular enzymes e.g. the enzyme for ATP production. (b) K+ is involved in anabolism. 1 g of glycogen contents 0.33~0.45 mmol, The K+ moves into cells with glucose, during the synthesis of glycogen. 1 g of protein needs 30 mmol of K+. 2) Membrane potential The ratio of the intracellular to the extracellular potassium concentration ([K+]i∕[K+]e) constitutes the cellular resting membrane potential. Minimal change of [K+]e may affect the membrane potential obviously. K+ is important for normal neuromuscular irritability. 3) Regulation of pH Exchange of K+ and H+ crossing the cell membrane is important for acid-base balance. Changes of K+ concentration will lead to the changes of pH. When K+ moves out of the cells, H+ will move into the cells as an exchange for electrical neutrality. More H+ will lead to acidosis. 4) Osmotic pressure Potassium ion is the major intracellular cation, so K+ is important in the formation of osmotic pressure in the cell. To keep the volume of ICF. (3) Regulation of K+ balance


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