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401 to pride oneself on…为…而感到自豪,自夸… There are more and more people who would like to pride themselves on having bigger material possession than their peers, but they never know there are great many people who do not own what they do, and yet they enjoy a happier life and healthier life. 有越来越多的人为自己比其他人拥有更多的财富而感到自豪,但他们并不知道还有很多人,他们没有多少物质财富,但是他们却享有比其他人更幸福、更健康的生活。402 to have priority over…比…优先,优先于… Its natural that graduates with Doctoral degrees have priority over graduates with M. A. degrees in choosing a job in todays market. 在今天的劳动市场上,那些拥有博士学位的人在选择工作的问题上要比那些有硕士学位的人更有优先权,这是个很自然的事。403 to be proficient at//in…精通于… In finding a better job, those who are proficient in two or more foreign languages usually have priority over those who speak only one foreign language. 那些精通两门以上外语的人找起好工作来比懂一门外语者有更大的优势。404 to prohibit…from…禁止…做…,限制…去… His weakening health prohibited him from going into the depth of the subject, although he said that nothing could prevent him from doing the research. 虽然他说什么也阻碍不了他的研究工作,但是他日渐衰弱的身体使他难以更深入地研究他的课题。405 to be prone to…易于…,有…的倾向,很容易… Weak people are prone to such minor diseases as colds and stomachaches. 那些体弱的人很容易得诸如感冒和腹痛等类的小病。406 to be prophetic of…预言到…,预见到… In his book The Future of the Globe, many parts are devoted to the prediction of the things that will disappear in another fifty years in the world and some statements are obviously prophetic of the disasters that will be most likely to happen. 在他的《世界的未来》一书中,很多章节预测了今后50年将要从世界消失的事物,而且有些言论无疑是在预言世界很可能会遭受的灾难。407 to protect…against…保护…免受…,防御… As more and more middle school students waste more and more time in the “Chat Room” on computers, the harm resulted from “Chat Room” attraction is like a red flag to both their schoolteachers and their parents. They are raising a cry against their childrens such a preposterous interest and appealing to the whole society for effective measures to be taken to protect school children against being further harmed by this disastrous attraction. 由于有越来越多的中学生浪费越来越多的时间到电脑



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