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Rules and Regulations for SECURITY Management ⅠGeneral Rules 坚持文明执勤,依法办事,优质服务,自觉遵守国家法律法令。Civilized, high-quality security services should be proceeded complying with the relative laws and regulations of Sri Lanka. 服从命令,听从指挥,坚决完成岗位任务。all the time alert and perform duties efficiently to the requirements and satisfaction of the employer. .坚持原则,敢于同坏人坏事作斗争。Be bold to prevent the evil and illegal issues. 严格遵守各项规章制度,尊重领导,团结同志,服从管理。Show respect to the superiors and comrades; strictly comply with the relative regulations and policies of the employer. 做好值班记录及交接记录,发现异常情况及时向公安员报告。Keep the on-duty and work-shifting records; should any abnormality happens, report it to the Police. Ⅱ门卫制度Entry and Exist Rules 进入门岗的人员和车辆按照单位的规定,严格验证,登记,验明所携带的物品和运载物资,凭放行证(条)放行; Maintain a register to record particulars of visitors and vehicles; strictly security checks on the packages and loading materials; only with the Gate Pass can the visitors and vehicles be into the premise. 严守大门,根据上班下班人员和车辆出入情况,开启和关闭大门,防止外来人员和车辆混入单位区域内。 Open the entrance door subject to the entry and exist of the employees and workers as well as the company’s vehicles. 对没有车辆通行证的车辆,一律不准进入单位内,对因送货或联系业务须进入的车辆,保安员验证登记后,将车辆的行驶证留下,发给司机临时车辆通行证,车辆离开厂区时,再以临时车辆通行证换回行驶证。夜间,没有车辆通行证的车辆,因工作业务原因需要进入厂区的,有关单位必须预先书面通知门卫。 Vehicles without the Gate Pass are not allowed to be into the premise. All other companies’ vehicles should be registered and checked before letting in. keep back the driving license while issuing a Temporary Gate Pass instead and exchange it at the time of its leaving the premise. Written notice to the guard is necessary for the vehicles for commercial operation at night, otherwise, no vehicles without Gate Pass is allowed to enter into the premise. 严格执行来访登记、出入检查制度。对因公务或私事来访的人员和其携带物品,要进行验证,检查和登记,不准携带易爆易燃和违禁物品进入单位,来访人员事毕离开时要注销,推销商品和无证人员一律不准进入单位内。 Strictly maintain the register and check of the visitors when entering into and leaving the premise. Flammable and explosive materials as well as the contraband are forbidden to be


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