Jigsaw method – efficient teaching.ppt

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Jigsaw method – efficient teaching

JIGSAW METHOD – EFFICIENT TEACHING Teaching Techniques by Lida Amiri Chinese proverb Tell me and Ill forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and Ill understand Teaching methods Traditional method is the frontal teaching Students should be active learners instead of passive audience Students have to be engaged to speak and learn in the target language Jigsaw method Class divided into groups of experts Each group will read one text and take notes New groups will be formed: Each new group will have one expert from the former group Each expert will tell his/her peers about his topic. Group members take notes. Jigsaw method Lesson Plan “German cities“ Groups are formed and texts (about different cities and a blank grid for notes) are handed out 5 min Each group reads the text and takes notes 15 - 20 min New groups are formed 5 min Each expert presents his city. The members take notes 20 min Student-Student interaction Disadvantages Learners do have less proficiency Lack of knowledge Might learn mistakes from partner A lot of preparation and practice is needed Students study and learn differently, thus some learners need either more or less time than the others Teacher has less control Students might speak mother tongue Student-Student interaction Advantages Efficient way to learn Students are held accountable among their peers Teacher is not the sole provider of knowledge Students’ experiences in small groups Team- work More practice and speaking Develops social skills Develops language skills Develops cognitive processes Bibliography ? Aronson, E. (2000). Nobody left to hate: Teaching compassion after Columbine. W. H. Freeman, New York. Aronson, E. and Patnoe, S. (2011): Cooperation in the Classroom: The Jigsaw Method. Pinter Martin, New York. Frey, K und Frey-Eiling, A. (1992): Allgemeine Didaktik. VdF, Zürich. Brown, G and Atkins, M. (1988): Effective Teaching in Higher Education. Methuen, London.


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