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MPA 教材 Unit One The Power of Public Service The Soul of Public Administration Preview Previewing, which gives you an overview of the text, is mental preparation for reading. It increases both reading comprehension and speed. Efficient readers generally preview before reading a document thoroughly. Previewing can take from 30 seconds to 10 minutes, depending on the length of the reading material. In this text, previewing includes skimming, questioning, and guessing the vocabulary from the context. 1. Skimming. Skimming involves quickly looking over the reading material in order to gain a general impression of the content. You should glance at the author’s name, title, headings, and the first and last paragraphs. If there are illustrations, cartoons, or graphic aids, briefly glance at them also. Skim the article quickly to find the following general information. What is public service? What does “soul” mean in the title “The Soul of Public Administration”? What is the soul of public administration according to the authors? 2. Questioning. Questioning encourages you to think about the subject before reading the article in order to assess what, if any, knowledge you may already have about the subject. It increases comprehension by making you anticipate or predict what the author will discuss. Answer the following questions and discuss your answers in class. What do you know about the tragic events of September 11? In your opinion, what qualities must a good public servant display? Can you think of any examples of good public servants around you? Please share their stories with your classmates. 3. Vocabulary in Context. Guessing the meaning of new or unfamiliar words by using context clues is an important reading skill. It is not necessary to guess the precise meaning; a general idea will enable you to proceed with your reading. The context includes the meanings of the individual words in the sentences as well as the overall meaning of the sentence or paragraph.


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