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“警察武术”:警察攻防技击体系的建构 王存文 (1.上海政法学院 刑事司法系,上海 201701) 摘要:当前国际社会各种犯罪活动特别是暴力恶性事件的发案率逐年呈上升趋势,各国同时还面临着恐怖主义的威胁,这些复杂的形式给维护人民生命财产安全的警察队伍提出了新的要求。警察的攻防技击技能是警察在执法实践中必备的警务技能。新中国成立以后,经过几十年的发展,警察攻防技击技术得到了一定的发展,但是相对于当前警察的执法实践而言,警察的攻防技击技术发展显得相对滞后。文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、专家访谈法等方法就警察攻防技击体系的重构进行了初步的探讨。文章主张根据警察执法实践的具体要求,对警察领域技击技术进行单独的、系统性的研究,建立一个新的警察攻防技击技术体系。文章提出了“警察武术”这个概念,主张用“警察武术”这个概念统领警察领域的所有攻防技击实践活动,并对“警察武术”提出的必要性进行了论述,对“警察武术”的概念进行了界定。文章还分析了“警察武术”技术体系构建的四种路径,并对“警察武术”技术体系框架和“警察武术”攻防技击技术内容进行了初步的研究。试图为警察攻防技击实战技术的研究提供新的视野,为提高警察队伍的实战能力提供理论支持。 关键词:警察;武术;攻防技击 Police Martial Arts: Construct Defense and Offense system of Police Wang cun-wen (Shanghai University of Political sciense and Law, 201701) Abstract: In the international community, At present, a variety of criminal activities especially the violence of the incidence on the rise year by year, every country also faced with the threat of terrorism, these put forward a new challenge for police. The police The attack and defense skills is necessary for police Practice. After the founding of New China, through decades of development, the police attack and defense technology has been a certain degree of development, but relative to the current police practice of law enforcement, the police attack and defense technology development appears to be lagging. This paper, employing methods of literature review, logic analysis and expert-interview to discuss the reconstruction of police attack and defense technology system. According the police practice requirements of law enforcement to construct a specific attack and defense technology in a Independent field .systematic studies is necessary .To establish a new police offensive and defensive technology systems .The concept of police martial arts was defined. The article also analyzes four paths to building a technical system of police martial arts ,and made a preliminary study of technology content of police martial arts, The paper tried to provide a new perspective and theoretical support in order to en


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