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毕业设计说明书 35kV格塘架空送电线路设计 专 业:电气工程及其自动化(输配电工程) Undergraduate Design(Thesis) The Design of 35kV GE TANG overhead Transmission Line BY Supervised by School of Electric Power Engineering Nanjing Institute of Technology June 2013 摘 要 本设计根据线段地形,气候等各种因素来计算导线、避雷线的应力以及弧垂,由此来绘制弧垂曲线图。然后根据设计要求依次选择杆塔型式,包括确定直线杆杆型、选择绝缘子串型号规格及其金具,选择避雷线规格及其金具,确定杆塔呼称高,确定杆头尺寸,确定电杆的埋深以及确定耐张杆杆型和选择耐张绝缘子串型号规格及其金具,选择避雷线的连接金具,确定耐张杆的呼称高和杆头尺寸,确定电杆埋深等一系列步骤;其次根据计算得到的结果制作一张弧垂曲线模板,根据模板进行杆塔的室内定位并绘制成图纸;接着进行耐张杆杆头的尺寸校验和耐张杆的强度及基础的稳定性设计;最后再对线路各段进行防振设计。 关键词 应力弧垂,设计,送电线路 Abstract The arc and uprightness graph of this design is protracted according to the design line topography, climate and other factors to calculate wire, lightning and the stress lines sag. Then according to the design requirements, choose the tower types, including the identification of linear Bar-Bar, Model choice insulator strings with the specifications and choose lightning line with the specifications and determine called Tower high, determine club head size, Pole determine the depth of resistance and to identify Bar-Bar and choice-resistant insulator string models and specifications for the equipment, The choice of lightning with the link to determine the tolerance bar called high and club head size and depth of Poles identified a series of steps; Second, based on the calculation of the results produced a sag curve template, According to the Tower templates indoor positioning and mapping drawings, followed by the first-resistant poles and the size Check-resistant rod based on the strength and stability of design; Finally, on the lines of the design for Earthquake Prevention. Key words GETANG, stress Sag, design, overhead power transmission lines 目录 摘 要…………………………………………………………………………...I Abstract………………………………………………………………………..I 1 绪论………………………………………………………………………….1 2 说明书……………………………………………………………………….2 2.1 线路概况……………………………………………………………….2 2.2 导线应力弧垂计算……………………………………………………2 2.3 杆塔型式选择………………………………………………………....6 2.4 绝缘子的选择…………………………………………………


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