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《现代社会调查方法》 结课报告 专 业: 给水排水工程专业 小组组长: 任课教师: 时 间: 2012年6月 报告名称: 大学生网络购物市场调查 小组成员及学号: 摘要 在我国,受网络影响最深、最广的莫过于有较高文化层次的大学生,作为最先接受新技术的群体,大学生对电脑和互联网更是情有独钟。据CNNIC于2008年1月发布的《第二十一次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,我国网络购物者从年龄来看以18~24岁的为最多(43.6%)。而从网络购物者的文化程度来分析,上网购物的大学生已经达到总数的49.3%。 作为“高触网”的大学生,随着网络和电子商务的发展,他们成为网络购物群体中的主体。他们往往扮演者引领社会消费趋势的角色,尽管在校期间没有收入来源,在消费能力上受到了限制,但大部分学生4年之后都会获得一份高于社会平均水平的收入。所以在校大学生一旦突破了资金的限制,将会成为社会主要的消费群体,其在校期间的消费行为会代表未来几年的消费趋势。基于这样一种思考,我们对在校大学生进行问卷调查,以期了解当代大学生网络购物的主要特征。 淘宝、支付宝、商家信誉、旺旺——这些词语如今是大学生的常用语,在校园里、在宿舍里,怎样买到物美价廉的好东西,也是每天都能听到的讨论summary In China, most affected by the network, is the most widely high culture and level of college students, as the first to accept the new technology group, college students of computer and the Internet but also have a special liking. According to CNNIC in January 2008 issued by the China Internet network times 21 development status report shows that Chinas online shoppers from the age of 18 to 24 years old to see the most (43.6%). And from a network of cultural degree to analyze shoppers, Internet shopping of college students has reached 49.3% of the total. As a high net of college students, as the Internet and electronic commerce development, they become the main body in shopping network group. They tend to lead the social consumption trend of actor role, although during the period of school no income, spending in by restrictions, but most of the students after four years will gain a higher than the average level of the social income. So in college students once topped the capital restrictions, will become a social main consumption group, and their during the period of school spending behavior will represent the future years of consumer trends. Based on such a kind of thinking, we carried on the questionnaire survey of colleg


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