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汉英法律专业词汇(刑法学、行政法学) 帮助当事人毁灭、伪造证据罪 crime of aiding a client to destroy or forge evidence 绑架妇女儿童罪 crime of kidnapping women and children 包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪 crime of harboring a mafia-style syndicate 包庇毒品犯罪分子罪 crime of harboring drug criminals 报复陷害罪case of retaliation and frame-ups 必要共同犯罪 indispensable joint crime 并科原则 doctrine of cumulating punishments 剥夺权利deprival of rights 不能犯 impossibility; unrealized offense 参加恐怖活动组织罪 crime of taking part in an organization engaged in terrorist activities 超越管辖权 excess of jurisdiction 超越职权范围 overstep one’s authority 惩办和宽大相结合combine punishment with leniency 惩办少数、改造多数的原则 principle of punishing the few and reforming the many 惩罚措施 punitive measure 惩罚性制裁 punitive sanction 惩罚与教育相结合 combination of punishment and education 处以刑罚 inflict punishment 处以有期徒刑 sentence to fixed-term imprisonment 触犯法律 break the law; violate the law 抽逃出资罪 crime of flight of capital contribution 抽象行政行为 abstract administrative act 出口骗税犯罪活动 criminal activities of cheating out of tax rebates in export 出售伪造发票罪 crime of selling counterfeit currency 出于对法律的无知 from ignorance of law 出于恶意 from malevolence 从轻处罚 gie a lesser punishment 从重处罚 give a severer punishment 单位受贿罪 crime of bribe taken by a unit 单一犯罪构成 single constitution of crime 盗伐林木罪 crime of illegally chopping down trees; crime of illegally felling trees 盗窃、抢夺枪支、弹药、爆炸物罪 crime of stealing or seizing guns, ammunition or explosives 盗窃犯 theft act; larcenist 渎职犯罪案件case of dereliction of duty 对象不能犯 object impossibility 多次作案 repeatedly commit crimes 罚不当罪 punishment does not fit the crime 犯意 criminal intent; mens real 犯罪低龄化 lowering ages of criminal offenders 犯罪动机 criminal motive 犯罪构成 constitution of a crime; constitutive elements of a crime 犯罪构成要件 special constitutive elements of crime 犯罪故意 criminal intent; guilty intent; meas rea 犯罪集团 criminal gang; criminal group 犯罪客观要件 objective circumstances of a crime 犯罪客体 criminal object; object of a crime 犯罪实行终了 completion of a criminal act 犯罪


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