客籍作家作品中内嵌的台湾原住民神话: 以甘耀明之《杀鬼》为例.pdf

客籍作家作品中内嵌的台湾原住民神话: 以甘耀明之《杀鬼》为例.pdf

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客籍作家作品中内嵌的台湾原住民神话: 以甘耀明之《杀鬼》为例

入選論文 社會組 2015 年 12 月 375 ~400 頁 客籍作家作品中內嵌的台灣原住民神話: 以甘耀明之《殺鬼》為例 黃美惠 ∗ 摘 要 台灣客籍作家曾經書寫許多了原、漢互動的經驗。從移墾時代至今,客籍作家 書寫原住民的風貌,不管取材歷史或是父祖輩的口述經歷,抑或作家個人與台灣原 住民族群親身互動,客籍作家-從戰前的龍瑛宗到九○年代以魔幻現實主義創作、 自成風格的現代作家甘耀明,他們取飲台灣原住民文化內涵,當做豐腴肥沃的土 壤、創作的養分;不論是以神話、散文、短篇小說或大河小說的面貌出現,這些作品 中的蘊藏大量原住民元素,不僅豐富台灣文學中原住民文化的內涵,同時,在台灣 原住民作家建立的原住民主體文學之外,又增添客籍作家的視點,此二群體,甚或 其他族群的合作,不僅豐富台灣文學原住民文化的內涵,也讓台灣原住民族群文化 得以被多種層面歌頌、保存、推廣。 本論文將以甘耀明的作品為例,嘗試探討客籍作家作品中所引用台灣原住民神 話之意義。 關鍵字:客籍作家、原住民神話、魔幻現實主義、族群 ∗國立交通大學客家社會與文化研究所 國立新竹實驗中學雙語部兼任中文教師/ 376 入選論文 社會組 A Study on Taiwan Aboriginal Myths Used in Hakkan Writers Works--Take Gan, Yao-mings Ghost Slayer for Example Huang, Mei-Hui∗ Abstract Many Hakka writers recorded a lot of Han-Aborigin interrelation experiences. From Han’s initial settlement age until now, Hakka writers described many styles and features of aboriginal culture. These are either from their ancestors’ oral accounts, or from their own contacts with aboriginal ethenic groups. From Lung,Ying-zung, a prewar writer, to Gan,Yao-ming, a young star famous of magic realism, they all absorb aboriginal culture as the fertile nourishment to create their works. These works, including fairy tales, essays, short novels, long serial novels, thus contain much of aboriginal elements. At the moment when aboriginal writers are trying to build up their autonomy consciences, Hakka writers’ works provide another angle of view points. They enrich and broadcast aboriginal culture. This paper will take Gan,Yao-ming’s works as examples to discuss the significance of their adoption of aboriginal myths. Keywords: Hakka writers, aboriginal myths, magic realism, ethenic groups ∗ A Student of Hakka Society and Culture College of Hakka Studie


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