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3. 这个计划完全是个失败。 The plan was a complete failure in the end. The plan turned out / proved to be a great failure. * 4. 众所周知,参加社会活动有利于开扩眼界,增强团队意识。 All of us know that taking part in social activities is beneficial to broadening our view and strengthening our sense of cooperation. * As is seen by all / As is known to all, we can broaden our view and strengthen our sense of cooperation by taking part in more social activities. * 5. 由于一块大石头挡在路上,过往的汽车都无法通过。 As there was a big rock getting in the way, all the passing cars and trucks couldn’t get through. With a big rock getting in the way, all the passing cars and trucks could not move on. * A big rock was lying in the way. As a consequence / result, all the passing cars and trucks couldn’t get through. * 6. 去年,我们参观了那座辉煌的宫殿。它的美丽是无法用语言来描述的。 Last year, we visited that magnificent palace. Its beauty can’t be described in words. * Last year, we paid a visit to that magnificent palace, whose beauty is beyond expressions. * 7. 当我们谈到教育,大多数人会认为它是终身的学习。 When we talk about education, most people think it is a lifetime study. Speaking / Talking of education, the majority of people think it is a lifetime study. * When it comes to education, most people believe that it is a lifetime task for everyone. * 8. 表演很成功。所有的演员都兴奋不已。 The performance was so successful that all the performers got very excited about it. The performance worked out well so that all the performers were very excited about it. * The performance turned out to be very successful, about which all the performers got very excited. * 9. 毫无疑问,不同的人对事物持有不同的观点。 There is no doubt that different people hold different views about things. Different people have different ideas about things, which nobody can doubt. * 10. 他站在那里好一会儿了,不知道该干什么。 He stood there for quite a while, not knowing what to do next at all. He stood there for quite a few minutes and didn’t know what to do next. * 11. 我们曾经在夕阳西下时漫步在河岸上。 We used to take a walk along the river bank at sunset. There c


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