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小动作多,或在座位上扭动,容易擅自离开座位。 在不合适场合过多地奔跑或爬上爬下。 不能安静地参加游戏或课余活动。 一刻不停地活动,难以停下来。 抢答问题,插嘴或打断别人讲话。 讲话过多。 难以安静地等待轮换。 易发脾气,人际关系差。 ADHD的“多动、冲动” 常见表现 * ADHD易于合并多种心理行为异常 (共患病) 对立违抗性障碍(ODD): 54%-93% 品行障碍(CD): 42.7%-56% 焦虑性障碍: 25%-50.8% 抑郁性障碍: 13-26.8% 双相情感障碍: 22% 学习障碍(LD): 10%-92% 抽动障碍: 30-35% * Camel Pose * 学龄前期-发育上的表现 不容易识别,主要表现为: 不安,过分活跃,静坐困难; 自控能力差,易怒,爱发脾气; 冲动,易出事故,攻击性强; 易失败,不能集中精力; 易兴奋,自我调节困难; 难以遵守规则和指令,难以适应变化; 一些伴有言语和语言困难。 * 学龄早期-发育上的表现 学习成绩不良,组织技能差,独立完成任 务的能力差; 行为适应、遵守规则和在集体活动中独立 完成任务困难; 好冒险,明显的冲动行为; 不安,应对挫折的能力差,“令人厌烦”。 * 青少年ADHD临床特点 集中注意困难 (谈话不集中, 社交活动短暂多变, 阅读困难) 缺乏组织计划性 不能安静 做事拖拉 做事不能有始有终 尽管自我保证,仍很难完成任务 常有“危险”行为 * ADHD的临床分类 注意缺陷型 多动/冲动型 混合型 * We Know what ADHD is…… Hey Stupid We just don’t agree about what to do about it… Treatments? Punishments? Parent-Child Strategies Psychotherapy Ritalin???? Vitamins God Help us! Pray * Thank you ! * Some of the important landmarks in the evolution of the concept of ADHD include: The British pediatrician, Sir George Still provided in 1902 early description of non-retarded non-brain damaged children suffering from defective volition and inattention and identified a 3:1 male:female ratio of prevalence. He stressed that inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity played a major role and that the condition did not respond to punishment. Several other workers, however, believed in their thesis of brain damage. In 1937, Bradley and others observed marked behavioral improvement in children receiving amphetamines. These studies re-focused the attention of the medical world to the earlier noting by Sir George Still on the behavioral syndrome of hyperactive-impulsive children. In 1963, the Oxford Conference, an international study group on child neurology coined the term “minimal brain dysfunction” to identify these children Synthesized research literature suggested in 1978 that cognitive rather than



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