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The questions! First:stereotypes or prejudices do chinese people have about Americans and American Other stereotypes and prejudices Second:stereotypes or prejudices do Americans have about china and chinese When we see the Great Wall, We will feel excitement and this is the symbol of China! Other stereotypes and prejudices about chinese This is a photo I took when I went to the World Expo of Shanghai ,and there are so many people we can see. This is a picture of the two Chinese girls to go shopping. Americans may think they are lesbian as we see the girls are hand in hand, but in fact, it means they are very good friends in our eyes. What’s more * * ?? ??? 1 What kinds of stereotypes and prejudices do Chinese people have about Americans and American? 2 What kinds of stereotypes and prejudices do you think Americans have about Chinese people? What kinds do they have adout other Asian people? 3 What are the problems with culture stereotypes and ethnic prejudices? When we see the statue of liberty, We think of Americans,and they hope Liberty Enlightening the World ! 其实事实并不是如此! About American or Americans Technology developed, a huge and rich nation Cowboy and Indian Independent thought and Independent enterprising Love to make friends and they are humorous practical Strong self-respect 其实美国人缺点很多的,自高自大,盛气凌人 ,咄咄逼人 ,不知道节俭 ,在性方面不够检点 等等,只是人家美国人把这些当成优点罢了,所以在此就不列给马克看了! Now, I will show you some pictures about china! 以下图片我只是为了增加PPT张数,我怕做的张数太少了,导致马克失望 When we see the panda and gongfu,we think of China 只可惜中国题材的功夫熊猫还是被外国拍的,也算是一种悲哀吧! When we see a lantern,we think of China When we see the facebook and the Chinese knot,we think of China When we see the dumplings and Chinese dress or qipao, we will think of China We Chinese people are proud of it! There are so many Chinese people, they are silent and observe disciplines and obey laws. Chinese people are introverted and traditional. They compared with the Americans are short. Chinese women are lesbian or ha


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