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氧化鋁添加劑對鐵碳複合球團熔融現象之 影響 Effect of Alumina Oxide Additive on Melting Point of Iron Ore/Coal Composite Pellets 1 1 2 3 4 H.H. Chang, P.T. Lai, I.G. Chen, K.M. Lu, S.H. Liu Wit h r e c en t emp h a si s on env ir on m en t al p r ot e ct i on , it i s imp er at iv e t h at we d ev el op (Carbothermic Reduction) low CO2 em i ssion bla st fur n ace pr oce ss . Tall b ed carb oth ermic r edu ction u sed ir on or e/ coal comp osit e p ellet p ack ed in sever al layer s an d (Direct Reduced Iron, DRI) the gas generated by carbothermic reduction to protect the pellets from re-oxidation. Under a high temperature, the composite pellet s were rapidly reduced to the high metallization direct reduced iron (DRI). The reduction rate was controlled by DRI the temperature and the rate of heat tran sfer. If Al2O3 the pellet melts or collapses, the heat transfer rate in the layer is affected. In this study, we focused on improving the melting properties of the pellet during reduction. We used Al2O3 as the additive in the pellets, and analyzed the property change by XRD optical image, SEM, XRD. Result s showed that adding 3% and 5% Al O , the periphery of pellets 2 3 3% 5% Al2O3 had a large amount of FeAl2O4 that melts at 1,310˚C. FeAl O Fe SiO and a smaller amount of Fe SiO , that melt s at 2 4 2 4 2 4



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