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敢于追求梦想的麦兜 The best-loved pig in Hong Kong is called McDull. His mom makes a wish that he will look like Chow Yun-fat or Tony Leung, two movie heartthrobs, but he is distinguished only by a birthmark around his right eye. 在香港,人们最喜爱的小猪非“麦兜”莫属。尽管妈妈希望麦兜能成为像周润发、梁朝伟那样的万人迷,但他唯一独特的地方只是右眼周围的那块胎记。 The cartoon piglet is not smart, either. Everything he tries, he fails. He wants to be an Olympic champion of qingbaoshan, but the sport of grabbing the most steamed buns from a pile doesn`t really exist, of course. He dreams of going to the Maldives, but ends up on a one-day tour of a Hong Kong landmark instead. 这只卡通小猪有点笨,总是屡战屡败。他想成为“抢包山”项目的奥运会冠军,当然,这项运动根本就不是比赛项目。他做梦都想去马尔代夫,但结果却以香港一日游而告终。 However, the slow, dumb pig has won over Hong Kong people, often stereotyped as eager to quick success. So far, there are five McDull movies showed in both the mainland and Hong Kong. 但是,这只慢吞吞的木讷小猪却征服了全香港人,他通常被塑造成一个企盼迅速成功的形象。迄今已有五部麦兜系列电影在内地和香港上映。 The popularity of McDull occasionally confounds his creator Alice Mak. 麦兜的走红有时会令一手打造他的麦佳碧有些摸不着头脑。 Maybe people see themselves and their friends in McDull, she says. “或许人们可以在麦兜身上看到自己和朋友的影子。”她说。 Mak had never seen a real pig before she drew McDull. She was born and spent most of her life in Tai Kok Tsui, an ordinary Hong Kong community where she can still buy cheap food. It is also where McDull grows up. 麦佳碧在创作麦兜之前从未见过真正的猪。她出生在大角咀,并在那里度过了人生的大段时光。那是香港的一个普通的社区,现在她仍能在那儿买到便宜的食品。大角咀也是麦兜成长的地方。 Like McDull, Mak moves and speaks slowly. She describes herself as a simple person, who does not try to draw too much meaning from the McDull stories. As a Christian, she has some simple beliefs, such as God creates humans because he loves them and wants them to be happy. 就像麦兜一样,麦佳碧说话和动作都是慢条斯理的。她称自己是个简单的人,并没打算赋予麦兜的故事太多的内涵。作为一个基督徒,她有简单的信仰,比如上帝创造人类是因为他爱世人并许以世人幸福快乐。 In the late 1980s Mak worked at a press company as a summer intern. The company boss, Brian Tse, later became her husband and scriptwriter of all McDull movies and books. 上世纪80年代末,麦佳碧在一家出版社做暑期实习生。这家公司


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