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国际贸易商业检验服务 International Trade Inspection Services 降低你的国际贸易风险 Mitigate the risks of your international trade 德国莱茵TÜV 是一家国际领先的技术服务供应商。成立于1872 年,总部设在 德国科隆,集团在全球69 个国家,超过500 个城市拥有19,000 多名员工。 我们企业的使命与纲领是实现安全高效的可持续发展,以应对人、科技与环境 三者交互作用影响中出现的各种挑战。 德国莱茵TÜV 下属的国际贸易检验部,专门从事国际贸易产品的第三方检验、 测试和鉴定业务。其在大中华地区8 个口岸设有分支机构。国际贸易部奉行其 独立、中立和公正性原则,为国内外的国际贸易公司客户提供专业的商业检验 服务。 德国莱茵TÜV 为您提供最好的服务,以最大程度地降低风险,保护您在国际 贸易活动中的利益。 TÜV Rheinland is a leading provider of technical services worldwide. Founded in 1872 and headquartered in Cologne, the Group employs 19,000 people in 69 counties and more than 500 cities. The Groups mission and guiding principle is to achieve sustained development of safety and quality, to meet the challenges arising from the interactions between people, technology and the environment. TÜV Rheinlands International Trade Division (ITD) specialises in commercial inspections, testing and certification services. It has set up eight branches in Great China. Under its principles of independence, neutralism and impartiality, and based on its code of ethics and international best practices, TÜV Rheinland provides international trading companies with quality control and testing at various product stages, from production, storage and transportation, to delivery, loading and unloading. TÜV Rheinland is now offering the best service to minimise risks and protect your interests in international trade activities. 服务范畴 SERVICE SCOPE 货物验证 Cargo verification 数量和重量检验 Quantity and weight inspection 取样和制样 Sampling and preparation 测试和分析 Testing and analysis 鉴定业务 Survey services 主要检验产品 MAIN INSPECTION COMMODITIES 矿产与金属材料 Minerals and metals 钢铁产品 Steel products 化工品 Chemical products 农产品和水产品 Agricultu


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