精品 英语音标.ppt

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精品 英语音标

英语国际音标表(48个) 元音(20个) 辅音(28个) 12个单元音 he she Chinese busy very lady earth heard nurse hurt skirt firm her person word work car far dark half palm laugh aunt basket bus run luck nothing love country young pork horse daughter because tall talk door floor more store sorry dog copy wash what full could took good wood cook put stood pull foot cook look foot would could should put July Practice 听下列单词,写出划线部分的音标: dad-bed cup-cap sheep-ship good-boot dog-door merry-marry birthday-teacher card-but sing-song Japan-Japanese 朗读以上单词。 (B) 双元音 (8个): a. / e? /, / a? /, / ?? /, b. / ?? /, / a? /, ?c. / ?? /, / e? /, / ?? / / a? / out sound now tower / ?? / year deer beer here / e? / hair bear dare fair / ?? / poor sure tour lure Practice 读下列单词,写出划线部分的音标: go take dear those found boy hello life hour violin sure bear Australia show Practice 听下列单词,找出划线部分发音不同的选项(每个单词读两遍): 1. A. cut B. come C. does D. box 2. A. video B. hide C. five D. nine 3. A. coat B. home C. dollar D. also 4. A. each B. English C. eighteen D. evening Phrases [?] borrow a watch locks and clocks Compare 1. not—north 2. fox—forks 3.shot—short 4. wok—walk [ u: ] 嘴型小而圆,微微外突,舌头尽量后缩。 Read the words mood boot zoo move whose ruler June soup group o oo u ou Phrases [u: ] a rude fool useful tools cool the food [u] 嘴型张开略向前突出,嘴型稍收圆并放松些,舌头后缩。 Read the words [u] Phrases push and pull a good book look for the book [U] oo oul u A sheep is not a ship! A ship is not a sheep! The worker has a bird. Father and mother, mother and father, they give


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