护理学实验性研究论文 综合护理干预对母婴分离产妇心理的影响.doc

护理学实验性研究论文 综合护理干预对母婴分离产妇心理的影响.doc

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护理学实验性研究论文 综合护理干预对母婴分离产妇心理的影响

综合护理干预对母婴分离产妇心理的影响论文题目:综合护理干预对母婴分离产妇心理的影响专业: : 指导教师:爱丁堡产后抑郁量表Objective: To discuss the influence of nursing intervention to pregnancy mothers’ psychological state after being separated from their newborns. Methods: 120 pregnancy mothers were divided into two groups with 60 in intervention group and 60 in control group randomly. The pregnancy mothers’ psychological state of the two groups were evalued with the method of STA-I scale and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS). Then the control group was only given routine nursing care, while the intervention group, nursing intervention was provided by the researcher besides the routine nursing care, After two weeks, the two groups were evalued again with the method of SAS、SDS and EPDS. Analysed the date of the two groups and found whether there was statistics differences. Result:The psychological state of pregnancy mothers after being separated from their newborns: the S-AI score and postpartum depression incidence was significantly higher than the normal standard. The two groups have no significant differences before intervention performed, After intervention being performed, the S-AI score and postpartum depression incidence of the intervention group decreased significantly and had significantly difference compared with control group. Conclusions:Nursing intervention can improve the psychological state significantly and effectively relieve the response intensity of the stress. Key words: mother-baby separation ; mother; depression; nursing interventio 1前言 1.1研究背景及意义 婴儿在出生后与母亲分离,对母亲来说是一件意外的精神创伤性事件,阻碍了母亲和孩子之间的正常接触和情感的沟通[1]。有文献报道,母婴分离的产妇存在较高急性应激障碍,的危险,被认为是创伤后精神紧张性障碍的前驱症状。母亲不良应激水平的增加很大程度上与她们婴儿的情况相关。有关资料显示[2],产后妇女第一位的心理需要是看见自己的孩子,在心理上得到安慰,而对自身疾病的关心程度则有所降低。如果分娩后母亲迫切见到自己孩子的心理需要得不到满足,就易产生焦虑、抑郁情绪。高危妊娠产妇由于母婴分离所造成的精神创伤与压力以及产后乳房未得到及时、有效的吸吮,乳房胀痛加重,妊娠合并症、并发症在妊娠终止后未有明显好转,而出现产后焦虑、抑郁。 随着围产医学的发展,产妇的心理保健己成为围产保健中一项不可忽视的内容,并且,独生子女这一代己开始步入婚后分娩期,产后焦虑、抑郁问题已日益受到重视。针对以上母婴分离高危妊娠产妇所出现的身心问题及不良影响,对其进行有效的护理干预具有重要义。 1.2研究目标 1.2.1评估母婴分离产妇的焦虑、



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