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第 27 卷第 1 期 高 校 化 学 工 程 学 报 No.1 Vol.27 2013 年 2 月 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities Feb. 2013 文章编号:1003-9015(2013)01-0050-08 基于撞击流混合器速度场测定的关联维分析 张建伟, 马彦东, 张金伟, 冯 颖 (沈阳化工大学 机械工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110142) 摘 要:根据实验测得的速度时间序列,分析了浸没循环撞击流混合器的流场时均速度分布状况,由流场速度大小和 方向的规律,将流场划分为中心区、射流区、过渡区和回流区四个区域。在此基础上,根据混沌理论,对瞬时速度序 列重构相空间,确定该混合器内的流场为混沌流场。通过改进传统的关联维计算方法,计算并分析了流场内瞬时速度 序列的关联维分布状态,其变化范围在 2.5~5.5 。根据轴向与径向关联维值大小的差异,确定了轴向速度分量在该系统 中的主导地位,发现了过渡区的边界层分离对流场流型变化的重要作用。此外还发现了除回流区外,流场的螺旋桨转 速与系统关联维之间的同向变化规律。 关键词:撞击流;速度场;关联维;混沌吸引子 中图分类号:TQ 052.5 文献标识码:A DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1003-9015.2013.01.009 Correlation Dimension Analysis Based on the Velocity Measurement in Impinging Stream Mixer ZHANG Jian-wei, MA Yan-dong, ZHANG Jin-wei, FENG Ying (College of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology,Shenyang 110142, China) Abstract: The time averaged velocity distribution in flow field of Impinging Stream Mixer(ISM) was analyzed based on the experimental data of velocity-time serial. The flow field in ISM was divided into central region, impinging region, transition region and reflux region according to the magnitude and direction of velocity. The reconstructed phase space of instantaneous velocity series indicates that the flow field in ISM is a chaotic system. The correlation dimensions of instantaneous velocity series at different points were calculated by improved GP algorithm and the distribution conditions were analyzed. The results show that the value of correlation dimension of the instantaneous velocity ran


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