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CNIC-01910 CAEP-0198 氢气放电源打靶谱的分析① 赖财锋王大伦秦建国 (中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所,绵阳,621900) 摘要 在以氢气放电源打击L 靶为例,分析氢气放电源打靶谱时,发现有 以下几类谱线:源谱、靶材料的特征X 射线、衍射谱线和一些未知谱 线 O 根据打靶的初级谱可以分辨出源谱;根据靶材料的成分可将特 征线区分出来;用改变靶面和入射角、固定测量角的方法及打多晶体 靶和非晶体靶的方法可以分辨出X 射线衍射谱线;剩下的无法辨识 的那些谱线是一种未知谱线,对它的认识还在深入中。 关键词:氢气放电源特征X 射线衍射线未知谱线 ① 国家自然科学基金资助项目。 30 Spectral Analysis of Hydrogen Gas Discharge Source Born岛ard Targe(D (In Chinese) LAI Cai-feng 明TANG Dalun QIN Jianguo (Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry句 CAEP, Mianyaηg, 621900) ABSTRACT Spectrum of hydrogen gas dischargεsourcebombard target includes a se- ries of spectral lines , they are source spectral lines , characteristic X-ray , dif- fractive lines and anomalous spectral lines. Source spectral lines can be distin- guished by comparison with prirnary spectrum of hydrogen gas discharge source , characteristic X-ray can also be distinguished if elements of target have been known. When altering target and an angle of incidence,已ut fixing metrical angle , the diffractive lines will be differεntiated. By contradistinguishing spectrums of 已ombarding crystal target and non-crystal target with hydrogen gas discharge source , diHractive lines can be distinguished , too. The left spec- tral lines which can not be distinguished by heard method are named as anoma- lous spectral lines , study on them is on the Inarch. Key words: Hydrogen gas discharge source. Characteristic X-ray , DiHractive lines , Anomalous spectral lines ( Supported by NSFCC


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