
电接触的原理应用和技术教材electrical contacts fundamentals, applications and technology chapter 3 tribology电气工程电力工程教材教程.doc

电接触的原理应用和技术教材electrical contacts fundamentals, applications and technology chapter 3 tribology电气工程电力工程教材教程.doc

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电接触的原理应用和技术教材electrical contacts fundamentals, applications and technology chapter 3 tribology电气工程电力工程教材教程

电接触的原理应用和技术教材Electrical Contacts Fundamentals, Applications And Technology Chapter 3 Tribology电气工程电力工程教材教程 3Tribology3.1 FRICTIONFriction is the most widespread phenomenon in daily life. Studies offriction date back to the timesof Aristotle and Leonardo.25Friction accompanies not only any motion, but also tendency fordisplacement. Although the term “friction” is well-known, few people realize what it reallymeans because of the highly intricate nature of this phenomenon.Primarily, internal friction, as resistance to relative displacement of the components of oneand same body, should be discriminated from the external friction of solids or just friction thatis treated below. Friction can be considered as a formation of real contact area under normal loadand shearing of the contact interface. The environment is an additional important factor influencingthe process. This combination results in numerous surface effects and a variety of frictionmechanisms.Sliding friction occurs between two relatively moving bodies in contact, in which their surfacevelocities in the contact area are different with respect to magnitude and/or direction. It is governedby the processes that occur in thin surface layers. There are two main noninteracting mechanismsoffriction: adhesion and deformation.23,24This idea is essential for the two-term model offriction,although the independence of these mechanisms is a matter of convention.3.1.1 LAWS OF FRICTIONWhen two bodies are in contact, a tangential force must be applied to produce their relativedisplacement. When this force increases from zero to a finite value, microdisplacement d occursin the contact zone, though the bodies themselves remain motionless as a whole until the tangentialforces reaches some limiting value termed the static friction force, Fs(Figure 3.1). The intermediatevalues of the applied tangential force Fintare termed the partial static friction force.Apparently, there is a force that impedes the break of relative


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