高一英语上unit9 technology 基础巩固练习(旧人教版).doc

高一英语上unit9 technology 基础巩固练习(旧人教版).doc

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高一英语上unit9 technology 基础巩固练习(旧人教版).doc

Unit9 Technology 基础巩固练习 汉英翻译 1.轮到某人________ 【答案】 it’s one’s turn 2.忙碌,(整天)奔忙________ 【答案】 on the go 3.给……添加________ 【答案】 add…to… 4.使某人想起……________ 【答案】 remind sb. of/about sth. 5.保持联系________ 【答案】 stay in touch with… 6.呼救________ 【答案】 call for help 7.在紧急情况下________ 【答案】 in case of an emergency 8.取乐________ 【答案】 have fun 9.使……开着________ 【答案】 keep…open 10.为了高兴,为了好玩________ 【答案】 for fun 11.梦想做某事________ 【答案】 dream of/about doing sth. 12.提出和平解决的办法________ 【答案】 come up with a peaceful solution 13.入选的队员________ 【答案】 the players chosen 14.接收,接管________ 【答案】 take over 单项填空 1.I’m feeling completely tired out; I’ve been__________ever since eight o’clock this morning. A.on the go B.rushed on the feet C.on board D.at the work 【解析】 on the go“忙碌,(整天)奔忙”;rushed off one’s feet和at work亦作“忙于工作”解。 【答案】 A 2.The teacher asked a difficult question,but finally Ted__________a good answer. A.came up with B.kept up with C.went through with D.put up with 【解析】 come up with“提出,给出”;keep up with“跟上”;go through with“完成”;put up with“忍耐”。 【答案】 A 3.The doctor and the nurses did all they could__________the patient’s life. A.save B.to save C.to be saving D.to have saved 【解析】 do all sb.can to do sth.“尽某人最大努力去做某事”。 【答案】 B 4.It’s a pleasant day for a picnic.I’m sure we’ll__________. A.have a fun B.have fun C.enjoy fun D.get funny 【解析】 have fun意为have a good time。 【答案】 B 5.You’d better take some medicine with you__________someone gets sick. A.so that B.as soon as C.as long as D.in case 【解析】 in case“以备,以防”。 【答案】 D 6.He felt thirsty,so he went into a shop nearby and__________a bottle of water. A.called at B.called for C.asked about D.sent for 【解析】 call for“要求”,相当于ask for。 【答案】 B 7.Tom has always thought of himself for a good cook and never fails to__________everyone of it. A.remind B.remember C.know D.introduce 【解析】 remind sb.of sth.“使某人想起……”。 【答案】 A 8.Usually the question is asked of a man__________,walking along the street or


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