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2011届毕业设计任务书 一、 课题名称:高速列车检测与故障诊断分析及应用 二、 指导老师: 三、 设计内容与要求: 1、课题概述: 随着铁路向高速、重载化发展,列车运行控制、行车安全、运行状态监测与故障诊断、列车故障检修的快速高效性等问题变得更加重要。我国铁路经过次大提速后,列车的运行速度达到了前所未有的水平,随之而产生的列车运行状态监测、故障的预防和故障发生后的快速排除等问题摆在了越来越重要的地位。检测与故障诊断走行部的故障诊断高速动车组工作原理与结构特点中国铁道出版社列车故障在线诊断技术及应用国防工业出版社《最新铁路车辆检修工艺与故障在线诊断技术实用手册》 北方工业出版社动车组检测与故障诊断技术》西南交通大学出版社 摘 要 随着铁路向高速化发展列车的运行速度达到了前所未有的水平,列车运行状态监测与故障诊断变得更加重要随之而产生的列车运行状态监测、故障的预防和故障发生后的快速排除等问题摆在了越来越重要的地位。、 ABSTRACT Along with the development of the railroad train operation, high speed reached hitherto-unseen levels, train once failure will surely bring serious consequences, therefore the train operation state real time monitoring and testing, fault diagnosis become more important, subsequently and produce the train operation condition monitoring and fault prevention and fault occurred after rapid exclude are in an increasingly important position. Train fault diagnosis is recognition train running state science, it is the train operation status in diagnostic information of the reflection, its research content on the train operation recognition of the diagnosis, upon its operation process inspection and the operation of the trend of the development of the forecasts. Through the correct fault recognition, find fault in the correct position, the need to repair or follow change the parts of the isolated, avoiding accidents and shorten repair time. This paper is divided into four chapters in the structure of our country, high-speed train detection and fault diagnosis in the development situation, and high-speed trains detection and fault diagnosis of the function and technology is discussed, mainly to walk line department has analyzed the breakdown of gear fault, focusing on the common forms and reasons, its fault diagnosis of time-domain diagnosis analysis and vibration signal analysis were introduced, and the gear simple diagnosis of vibration flat diagnosis method is described. Keywords: High-speed train detection Diagnosis Diagnostic principle 目 录


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