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2011.2.27 -- 2011.3.20 CONSTRUCTING FORM 建筑形式 LI YOUSONG MA QIUSHA TANG HUI 李尤松 马秋莎 唐晖 Press Release 新闻稿 Beijing commune is pleased to announce the group exhibition of Tang Hui, Li Yousong and Ma Qiusha--Constructing Form on 27th, Feb 2011. It will last until 20th, March, 2011. This will be our first exhibition in 2011, presenting more than 10 pieces of the three artists recent works. In the show, the artists explorations of the memories about the past are converted into a drill of form and art regenerates itself through such repeated drills. Both Li Yousong and Tang Hui construct imagined, utopia-like architectures and scenes, which are more like a salute to the grand narratives commonly used in Chinese literature and art in the later part of last century. Ma Qiusha is an artist from the younger generation, whose realistic depiction of actual buildings such as the demolished Prime Hotel, mixed with imagined figures and objects shows a more complicated emotional link between individual and the public spaces. 北京公社荣幸地宣布,我们于2011年2月27日到2011年3月20日开启群展“建筑形 式”,参展艺术家为李尤松、唐晖、马秋莎。本次展览是我们2011年的首展,包括了3 位艺术家最新的10余件绘画作品。 “建筑形式”看上去是一场旧形式的复活运动,但实际上却是艺术家在不断面临未来 挑战中的一次休息,他们重掘过去和记忆、将之演化为一场形式练习,而艺术的再生 或许就在类似反复的实践和练习中产生。这里的“建筑”从词性上讲更偏重于陈述对 形式感的“建构”。李尤松和唐晖都在作品中塑造了虚幻的建筑物和场景,这些存在 于艺术家想象界的画面是对宏大叙事的致礼,马秋莎则在对现实生活环境的摹画中找 到了抒情的落脚点。李尤松和唐晖都生于上世纪60年代,马秋莎生于80年代,这一年 龄跨度及作品面貌上的不同倾向也从侧面反映了两代艺术家在关注点和出发点上的迥 异与共通之处。 Exhibition Views 展览场景 Constructing Form 建筑形式 Exhibition Views 展览场景 Constructing Form 建筑形式 Exhibition Views 展览场景 Constructing Form 建筑形式 Exhibition Views 展览场景 Constructing Form 建


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