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文學地理時空資訊系統設計與應用:以蘇軾詩為例 The Design and Application of Spatial-Temporal Information Systems in Literary Geography: A Case Study of Su Shi’s Poetry 羅鳳珠 Lo, Feng-Ju 元智大學中國語文學系 Dept. of Chinese Linguistics Literature, Yuan Ze University 中文摘要 藝術創作的風格會受到地理景觀環境的影響,音樂如此、繪畫如此,文學也如此。中國文學的二大起源《詩經》與《楚辭》,前者以北方的黃河流域為主要的寫作背景,後者以南方的江淮流域為主要的寫作背景,二者由於地理環境的不同,形成剛柔質潤迥異的文學風格。爾後,北朝民歌的質樸奔放,南朝民歌的綺靡婉約,莫不受地理環境的影響。 文學作品的內容可以概分為三類:其一是描寫主觀內在的心靈世界、其二是描寫客觀外在的自然景觀,其三是描寫作者與外物互動過程心靈的感發。地理景觀對文學的主要影響是文人利用自然景觀為意象所形成的文學內涵與風格,其次是文學的語言與聲韻的變化。 文人或因遊歷,或因遷徙,或因仕宦,往來於各地。對詩人而言,不同的地理景觀給詩人不同的創作靈感與素材;對地方而言,文人的流動對當地的文風帶來影響,因此文學地理時空資訊系統的建立,除了可以提供文學與地理景觀交互影響的研究、文學風格意象的研究,還因為文學的內涵所呈現的民情風俗,文人的遷徙流動所帶動的文化氣息,可以作為文化盛衰變遷的研究。 本文將以蘇軾詩為範圍,以詩的內容標誌方法建立蘇軾詩的時間、空間標誌,再以此時空內容標誌的基礎建立蘇軾詩的文學時空地理資訊系統,藉以探討文學時空地理資訊系統的設計方法以及在文學研究方面的應用、其他文化層面擴充性的應用與研究。 關鍵字:蘇軾、蘇軾詩、地理資訊、內容標誌 ABSTRACT The style of artistic creation is subject to the influence of geographic landscapes and environments; the same is true for music, painting, and literature. The two major sources for Chinese literature are Books of Songs (Shi Ching) and Song of the South (Chu Ci). The former chiefly uses the catchment basin of the Yellow River in the north as its writing backgrounds, whereas the latter utlizes the catchment basins of the Yangtze Kiang and the Huai River in the south as its writing inspirations. As a result of different geographical environments, there are two significantly different literary styles—effeminate and masculine ones. Afterwards, the characteristics of earthliness and unrestraint as found in the ballads of the Northern Dynasty (386–581) and the features of grace, extravagance, and restraint in the ballads of the Southern Dynasty (420-589) can be attributed to the influence of geographic environments. The content of literary works can be divided into three categories: the spiritual world of the inner, subjective self; the natural landscapes of the external, objective world; the writer’s interactions and spiritual inspirations with external objects. Th


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