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第二讲:广告翻译 陈志杰 一、广告的目的和特点 Advertising is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product, a service, an idea, or an event. 1. information 2. eye-catching 3. raise the desire to purchase. 不求今日拥有,但求天长地久。 ---青岛牌电视机 国内首创护革佳品,配方科学,质优价廉,芬芳清香,荣获新产品一等奖。 ----鞋油 You press the button, we do the rest. ---Kodak Small bottle, mighty clean. ---Easy-off 二.汉语广告与英语广告的比较 汉语广告往往用修饰语来加强语气,说明产品的特征;英语广告用词简单,以口语为主。 汉语广告中有数量庞大的四字结构,造成排比、重叠,以加强语气。 汉语句子松散、信息量大。英语句子简洁、紧凑,逻辑性强。 汉语广告有不少套语,英语句子考虑整体修辞,不堆砌辞藻。 九华山群山众壑,溪流飞瀑,怪石古洞,苍松翠竹。奇丽清幽,相映成趣;名胜古迹,错落期间,素有“东南第一山”的美称。 译文一:There are multiple ranges of hill in Mount Jiuhua, which have marvelous ridges and peaks, exotic-shaped stones, slender bamboo, curled pine tree, flying waterfall and clear stream. The natural beautiful sceneries form a delightful contrast. The scenic spots are scattered in the mountain, therefore it enjoys the fame of “First Mountain in Southeast China.” 译文二: Mount Jiuhua is an enchanting and secluded place, full of high ridges and deep valleys, in which there are waterfalls, streams, rocks and caverns, with historical sites scattering among pine trees and bamboo groves. Hence the reputation of “First Mountain in Southeast China”. 三.广告翻译的原则: 1、对等 形式对等---信息对等---功能对等 Life is a journey, Travel it well (联合航空) 人生之旅,尽情游历 Feel the new space. (三星电子) 感受新境界 Tide’s in, dirt’s out. (汰渍洗衣粉) 汰渍到,污垢逃。 Ideas for life. (松下) 我们为生活出主意。 Come for price. Stay for service. (Lexus 汽车) 购时价格公道,售后服务周到。 If you drive, don’t drink; if you drink, don’t drive. 严谨酒后驾车。 Just do it. 跟着感觉走。(Nike) 2、简洁 言简意赅:吸引读者注意,便于识记 “Keep it short and sweet.” Avoid debt and stay merry. (State Farm 保



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