(外事接待英语课件)Module 4 Handling Emergencies.ppt

(外事接待英语课件)Module 4 Handling Emergencies.ppt

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Module Four Handling Emergencies Warm up 1. handle 2. earthquake 3. flood 4. car accident 5. hurricane 6. fire 7. heart attack 8. explosion A. 心脏病 B. 洪水 C. 车祸 D. 处理 E. 着火 F. 爆炸 G. 飓风,旋风 H. 地震 Discuss with your partner the following questions and then present your viewpoints to the class. 1. How often is a common person like you and me affected by disasters? 2. When you do get affected by disasters, do you know how to react? 3. Have you ever experienced any emergencies? Talk about your experience to your partner. Task 1 Handling Common Emergencies Activity 1 Pair work Read the following passage about dealing with emergencies and discuss with you partners the questions below. Questions: 1. What kind of emergencies or disasters are mentioned in the passage? 2. What ways to deal with emergencies and disasters are mentioned in the passage? Activity 2 Listening Listen to the following three short dialogues and answer the questions. Answers: Activity 3 Listening Listen to the following dialogue and fill in the gaps. Answers: 1. passport 2. serious problem 3. looked in every possible place 4. searched every place 5.take any taxi 6. may leave it 7. car number 8. belongs to Activity 4 Role Play. Mini Task 1 Mr. Mark Brown is a foreign teacher who teaches English in a college in Beijing. He has bought a return ticket from Los Angeles to Beijing and go back to Los Angeles in the Air China Los Angeles Office. When he finishes teaching in Beijing and decides to go back, he can not find his ticket. So he goes to the foreign affairs office to ask Wang Chen how to handle the situation. Make a dialogue with your partner, taking the role of Mark Brown and Wang Chen. You can refer to the following information about the tips for processing the replacement or refund of the lost ticket: 1.Verify some points about the ticket by checking the passenger’s passport and reservation record such as the passenger’s name,?the flight number, when and whe


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