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Module 1 Changing(变化) Unit 1 We lived in a small house. 安丘市兴安街道兴安小学 王艳艳 新标准英语三起六册 1、Chant(复习动词过去式) am , is was was not wasn’t are , are were were not weren’t do , do did did not didn’t live , live lived watch, watch watched 2、说出下列动词过去式 am , is was not are , are were not do , do did not live , live watch, watch 1、Read these words(读单词) life 生活 different 不同的 ago 以前 any 任何,一些 television 电视机 us 我们 grandchildren (外)孙子(孙女) grandmother 祖母,外祖母 lady 女士,夫人 Step 2 导入新知,呈现任务 3、单词大王 比比谁记得快 television grandchildren ago lady different life us any grandmother 4、知识准备 有一本书在书桌上 There is a book on the desk. 四天前 有两本书在这个书桌上。 There were two books on the desk four days ago. There was a book on the desk yesterday. (昨天) There weren’t two books on the desk four days ago. 3、教学目标:学会使用There be 句型 没 用is , was, wasn’t ,are,were, weren’t, 填空。 1、There (有) a small house two years ago. 2、There (有) a big house now. 3、There (有) many apples in the bag yesterday. 4、There (没有)a cat yesterday. 5、 There (没有) any trees four years ago 6、 There (有) some buses now. was weren’t wasn’t are Step 3 课堂活动,操练新知 were is 2. Step 4 巩固训练,拓展提高 1、听录音,划出文中描绘过去和现在生活的句子。 看图说话 Find different(找不同) Step 5 反馈展示,能力提高 小提示:There was a small house four year ago. I lived in it. Now, there a big house. I in it . There a small dog four years ago, now ,there three dogs . There …



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