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/testpaper/nmet/List_11.html :/zt/2010/2010gkst/index.shtml?qq=0ADUIN=4303203ADSESSION=1276042207ADTAG=CLIENT.QQ.2653_.0 pregnant 怀孕 ——扑来个男的 ambulance 救护车 ——俺不能死 ponderous 肥胖的 ——胖的要死 pest 害虫 ——拍死它 ambition 雄心 ——俺必胜 agony 痛苦 ——爱过你 bale 灾祸 ——背噢 hermit 隐士 ——何处觅他 strong 强壮 ——死壮 sting 蛰 ——死盯 abyss 深渊 ——额必死 admire 羡慕 ——额的妈呀 flee 逃跑 ——飞离 gauche 粗鲁的 ——狗屎 morbid 病态 ——毛病 putrid 腐烂 ——飘臭 obtuse 愚笨 ——我不吐死 lynch 私刑处死 ——凌迟 shun 闪躲 ——闪 tantrum 脾气发作 ——太蠢 bachelor 学士/单身汉 ——白吃了 temper 脾气 ——太泼 newbie 新手/菜鸟 ——牛比 addict 上瘾 ——爱得嗑它 economy 经济 ——依靠农民 ail 疼痛 ——哎哟 shabby 卑鄙的 ——傻比 coffin 棺材 ——靠坟 appall 惊骇 ——我跑 I support the statement that automobile has caused serious problems. While automobile has brought us many conveniences, it surely has brought us many undesirable consequences, of which three can be singled out: traffic congestion, air pollution, and highway accidents. Automobiles have congested City streets. The problem is more obvious when the masses of motor vehicles enter or leave cities at peak traffic hours. The constantly growing number of automobiles throughout the world has made the congestion program worse and worse because planners and engineer simply cannot find a solution to keep up with the increasing volume of the traffic growth. The widespread use of automobiles for business travel has also led in many cities to a decline in public-transit systems, which result in more and more use of private cars, and exacerbate the congestion problems. Air pollution is another program caused by the automobile. Automobile exhausts commonly contribute half the atmospheric pollutants in large cities and even more in cities where atmospheric and topographic conditions cause the smog formation. Although many cities require the installation of catalytic converters and other controls on motor vehicles to restrict the emission of pollutants, the concentration of many thousands of motor vehicles in large cities has given the problem a new dimension. Highway accidents create a distressing toll


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