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Introduction 介绍 A process potential FMEA is an analytical technique utilized by a manufacturing responsible engineer/team as a means to assure that, to the extent possible, potential failure modes and their associated causes/mechanisms have been considered and the engineer’s/team’s thoughts (including an analysis of items that could go wrong based on experience and past concerns) as a process is developed. This systematic approach parallels and formalizes the mental discipline that an engineer normally goes through in any manufacturing planning process. 过程的FMEA是负责制造生产的工程师/队伍使用的分析技法,用来在一定程度上确保潜在的失效模式和相关的原因/机制都已考虑到,以及工程师/队伍的想法(包括基于经验和过去的想法得出的可能失效项目分析)。这种系统性的方法将工程师在任何生产计划过程中通常会碰到的问题标准化了。 The Process potential FMEA Identifies potential product related process failure modes.确认与产品有关的过程失效模式 Assesses the potential customer effects of the failures. 评估失效对客户潜在的影响 Identifies the potential manufacturing of assembly process causes and identifies process variables on which to focus controls for occurrence reduction or detection of the failure conditions. 确定潜在的制造原因和过程变数,以便加以控制,减少发生可能性,增加发现到的可能性 Develops a ranked list of potential failure modes, thus establishing a priority system for corrective action considerations.列出潜在失效模式的排行表,建立一个优先系统以做出改善行动 Modify manufacturing or assembly process. 改变生产或生产线过程 FMEA Step 步骤: 1. Define the scope for the FMEA 定义FMEA的范围 2. Identify team members, customer, and knowledge experts 确认队伍成员、客户,和专家 3. Develop roles and responsibilities for team members 制定每个成员的任务和职责 4. Study the product / process / service 研究产品/制程/服务 5. Brainstorm failure modes, known and potential 集体讨论已知的和潜在的失效模式 6. List the effects, causes, and current controls for each failure mode 列出影 响、原因和失效模式当前控制情况 7. Assign ratings for Severity, Occurrence, and Detection 给严重性、发生率、发现度的评分 8. Calculate RPN 计算RPN 9. Decide on a threshold RPN 制定采取行动的RPN界限值 10. Prioritize based on RPN and severity,or as required by the customer 优先性要根据RPN,严重性,或客户的要求 11.



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